Please - Skye x GN!reader (angst)

873 16 2

PLOT : die
REQUESTED BY : snuffyxzirby
STARTED : March 27th

ok now i chose to hurt you

tw // victim blaming

You tried to be the best lover to Skye, and it was true, to Skye you were the most amazing person she could've asked for. You loved animals (especially her tiger), nature, and everything she loved too! But to her there was always an issue, your recklessness. You were reckless to the point even Jett and Neon were worried something bad could happen. Most times though, they brush it off. Thinking Skye wouldn't ever let anything hurt you, everyone relied on her to let you keep on being happy but safe at the same time.

After a few months, nobody cared anymore. They always knew Skye can take care of you. If you were on a mission, Skye was there too. Everyone thought Skye was more than capable of caring for you and Skye did too. Until the unthinkable happened.


Everyone heard it. Bind in U-Hall, you were watching short but got double peeked and got a bullet so close to where your heart is. You were violently coughing  out blood on the ground already. Skye ran towards you, trying to heal. "Please, please don't let go." You couldn't move, you couldn't speak, you could only watch as Skye's tears flow. You heard footsteps coming closer but so did Skye. "Jett, cover me please." The wind girl quickly made her dramatic entrance in and started shooting the enemies down. Two headshots, the two enemies gone. Jett smirked before looking over, seeing you on the floor while Skye was desperately holding out her plant, trying to save you.

Jett ran over beside you, your eyes following her. "[Y/n]..?" She was completely shocked this happened, she also started cry. "Skye, you were supposed to protect them for me.." Jett's voice was quiet, whimper-like, filled with sorrow already. "You were supposed to watch them..." Jett started to tear up even more, you two were inseparable and now, you both might have to be separable but not by choice. Skye didn't say anything, just kept trying her best until her plant couldn't heal anymore. You started coughing again, looking at her desperately for help.

She kissed your forehead then held your face, both cold. "I'm sorry love. I know your in pain, we won't be able to make it back in time. Please, let go, let the pain go away." You gave her a small smile before shutting your eyes. "I love you Skye, thank you for trying." And that was it. You were gone from their lives, permanently. Jett was staring at your lifeless body, not knowing what to say, just crying.


"Skye. You were supposed to watch them for me. [Y/n] was the only one who was willing to put up with my coldness.."

"I understand you healing powers are not as good as mine but you could've done more, Skye."

"Skye what the hell?! They only joined 5 months ago and you couldn't keep an eye on her? Don't be surprised if there's poison in your coffee tomorrow."

"Listen kid, I know you loved them but then why just sit there..? You can have great medical abilities too other than your powers Skye.."




"I hate you!"

"Why couldn't you do better?!"

"They could've still been alive..."

Skye was on her bed crying, laying there. She tried her best, she did but everyone seemed to think otherwise. She started to think, was it really her fault? She just froze there, only using her radiant abilities instead of trying anything else. Maybe it is her fault. Everyone was blaming her, her superiors, her teammates, everyone. It has to be her fault then, right..?

Her thoughts were interrupted by her door opening. "Skye..?" It was Jett. "Go away Jett, I don't want to hear it." Jett didn't say anything but Skye could still feel Jett's presence in her room. "Get out already." Jett didn't move. "Skye, I just want you to know I don't think you should be blamed." Skye turned her head a bit towards Jett. "We should've told [Y/n] to be less reckless instead of constantly relying on you.."

Skye sat up and shook her head. "If I could heal better, if I cleared and watched better. They would still be here with us. I am the reason they're gone." Jett took a few steps closer, "I know that's how it feels but Skye, all of us were trained and shown how to properly be on the battlefield safely. [Y/n] was never taught that. You tried your best healing them, you tried your best saving them. And you did do your best but you have limits too Skye." Jett sat down on the bed with Skye.

The Australian didn't say anything, just looked down. "But—" "No Skye, this time I don't want to hear it. You were frozen, a natural reaction Skye. You were panicked, scared, and especially worried. You didn't know what to do and that's ok. You need to realize the others were blaming you without realizing what even happened." Skye finally looked up and at Jett. She hugged Jett, eyes still pouring tears out.

"Thank you Jett."

i love skye

FINISHED : march 30th

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