after you personally~ - killjoy x reyna (fluff)

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PLOT : i don't even know i just went with what my mind wanted no planning out
STARTES : january 9th
EXTRA INFO : out of character reyna

ok they might hate each other but god do i love them they're my babies 😭

killjoy always watched her from away, afraid yet infatuated and intrigued with the soul devourer. she was sure reyna hates her for what happened to her sister and because she's not a radiant like her. they were watching B site ascent together and killjoy was setting up all her bots around site. "killjoy querida do you ever stop hiding behind all that tech and actually fight?" killjoy looked away from placing her bots and looked at her, "well uhm i was recruited for my wits not necessarily my gun game." reyna just scoffed and moved on while killjoy stood and sighed.

'maybe if i can do well this round reyna will finally praise me!' killjoy smiled as this was her new plan instead of hiding in the back to get one or two picks. killjoy moved away from CT and moved closer to the button of door. when the barriers dropped she heard the enemy footsteps getting close, reyna decided to try to flank them quietly while her turret started shooting and the enemies were trying to break her turret. she quickly took this opportunity to peek it got two headshots with her vandal. when they saw her they tried to push but killjoy's alarm bot went off and activated her swarm grenade and to her surprise, she got another enemy with her grenade.

at this point she was still full hp and shield with a 3k. she decided to push B main but nobody was there. killjoy activated her ear piece "i think they're rotating towards A." she recalled her turret and pushes further seeing one B lobby. she quickly shot at them before they were able to escape to attacker's spawn. "now four!" killjoy decided to not follow the other enemy as they were probably expecting her and went from mid instead. "enemy spotted, A." she heard reyna's voice through her ear pierce and it made her heart quicken.

her team was waiting on A site while she decided to flank the enemy. she placed her turret down first to pin point the exact location and when they started shooting at the turret, she peeked again. this time though, she was shot in her right leg but she still managed to get the headshot and her ace. everyone heard killjoy fall and drop her gun. this quickly worried everyone and they all rushed over to cubby, where killjoy was. while everyone else was panicking reyna stayed calm and pulled out her knife. she cut the enemy's clothes and walked to killjoy, "wrap it tightly around your leg. good job mi amor."

killjoy had no idea what the last two words meant but just assumed they were insults and brushed it off. she wrapped the piece of cloth around the wound like she was told. she tried to stand so she could make it back to the aircraft for proper treatment but instantly fell back down. everyone was helping killjoy, sage was helping her up while killjoy had an arm around her neck. she was limping with one leg so it would take quite awhile for them to return back to the airship. reyna groaned at this and just carried killjoy in her arms to speed it up.

killjoy's heart was beating quickly, forgetting reyna could sense that. "your heart is pounding, i'm not gonna eat you killjoy." this made killjoy look up slightly at her, "e-erm ja, i know that! i can trust you.." killjoy mumbled the last part but reyna still heard it. "cariño mio seems like you've grown soft around the person who hates you~" reyna's voice made it sound more like a tease than a genuine statement. "h-huh?! i just have no other choice but to right now!" killjoy tried to defend herself despite knowing it was pointless, "killjoy your heart tells me everything." with a smirk, reyna gave her forehead a peck while blaring the aircraft. "i-i, u-um, you just.." killjoy was in total shock and her face was red.

reyna has the same face she always had on, a smirk with a deadly stare. she set killjoy down so sage could treat her wound and hopefully fully heal it. reyna suddenly frowned, "what does viper call you again?" killjoy tilted her head, not knowing why reyna would want to know this, "she calls me maus." reyna had a smirk yet again, "well from now on your my maus." killjoy was burning at this point and was completely speechless. reyna chuckled at her silence, "you did well today maus. i guess you have the wits and the gun game."

when sage walked in reyna was already leaving while killjoy sat there with a red face. "oh dear killjoy! are you ok? do you have a fever too??" sage was always so concerned for everyone's wellbeing. "y-yeah don't worry sage i'm fine. just get my leg healed up bitte!" sage noticed killjoy spoke faster and in a more shy voice but didn't say anything and just began helping killjoy's wound. by the time they landed killjoy could walk again thanks to sage's amazing abilities. "danke sage! you're the best!" sage smiled at her, "of course dear, but be more careful ok?" killjoy nodded, "ok mom!" after saying that she ran off leaving a puzzled sage. "m-mom?!"

reyna was on the bridge of the aircraft, walking off. she heard footsteps behind her and took a glance back. she saw the eye burning yellow jacket, the iconic green beanie, and her stupid round glasses. "mi amor you can walk already?" killjoy nodded, "what does.. 'mi amor' mean?" reyna laughed hearing how butchered the engineer's spanish was and how much her thick german accent stood out in it. after reyna was done laughing at killjoy she hummed, "go learn spanish yourself. mi amor" killjoy groaned at the mexican's response and decided to just translate it on her phone.

"spanish to english.. mi amor.." reyna smirked when she saw the shocked look on the taller's face. "i thought you were insulting me to whole time!" killjoy huffed, "yet you were secretly confessing this whole time and i didn't even know!" killjoy pouted while reyna just stared at her, "well there's certainly nothing wrong with that, makes it an even better surprise for you." killjoy huffed again, "i guess.." seeing killjoy so pouty while walking back in made reyna grab her hand to shock her now lover again.

the sudden movement made killjoy look over and blush. "delilah you need to stop! you keep catching me off guard it's unfair!" killjoy groaned. "welcome to my world sweetheart, all the odds are against you." reyna pecked killjoy's cheek. "hey unfair! i haven't been able to do that to you yet." this made killjoy give her a quick kiss too. then another quick kiss, and another, and another. she ended up smothering reyna in kisses while reyna was chuckling.

"mi amor you're adorable"

school starts today :(

but who's seen killjoy's tik tok post about neon, where the translation got butchered to 'girlfriend' instead of 'friend' and now everyone thinks they're making them canon 😭

FINISHED : january 10th

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