finally together - neon x killjoy (fluff 2/2 parts)

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PLOT : gay gay gay homosexual gay
REQUESTED : man i need to reopen requests soon 🧍‍♂️
STARTED : january 23rd

homosexuals homosexuals gay gay gay

"what as gotten into you maus. you never break deals." killjoy just continued letting viper drag her in discomfort. "Emery you better respond." killjoy felt even more discomfort hearing the use of her real name where the other agents could hear. they kept walking in silence whilst viper was waiting for a response until they stopped.

"killjoy just goddamn respond! you knew your fucking part of the deal so what were you doing with her?!" viper had finally snapped after a month of trying her best of being loving despite this relationship practically being forced onto killjoy. the taller still hasn't responded and just stared away from her. "look at me when i'm speaking." killjoy slowly turned her gaze back to her 'girlfriend'. "now answer me." viper harshly grabbed killjoy's chin to make her stare directly into her eyes.

"you know what." viper looked at her. "fuck you sabine." killjoy shook her head out of viper's grasp, "fuck our deal. fuck you. fuck everything you've done to me." viper was taken aback by killjoy's sudden outburst, never hearing the engineer cuss so much. "i did this not only for neon but to also make you happy yet you can't even let me breathe." killjoy had pure annoyance in her voice, "i take back our deal. fuck you sabine. find someone better for you, someone who fits you more." without letting viper respond she ran back to neon's room.

she typed in the code to see neon laying in her bed, turned the other way, hugging squish squish. "hase?" neon quickly flipped over hearing her nickname only one person uses. "Emery!" neon got up to hug killjoy, "what happened with you and viper? i heard screaming.." the last part was a bit quite, neon was curious but didn't want to intrude any privacy. "i broke off our deal. i couldn't stand not being with you anymore." killjoy kissed neon's forehead while neon just smiled at her. "stupid german, so cliché."  killjoy hit her head, "stupid german? who built your surge protector!" neon whined from killjoy hitting her head despite it being light.

"to be fair that was 100% necessary if you don't want me to have a randomly explode in lightning." "yeah but it still requires a brain to build dear." neon sighed in defeat, "fine. genuis of germany, so cliché." killjoy smiled, "much better now." killjoy kissed neon's forehead again. "now don't do anything stupid while i'm gone." neon tilted her head, "what do you mean while you're gone?" killjoy looked at her, "love i still have work to do and i don't think you should be around my bots.. especially if you remember what happened last time." neon chuckled a bit thinking about it. "it was kind of funny."

"Emery, can i watch you work in your lab?" neon wanted to see how killjoy made her bots despite not knowing how any of it works. "of course, you're always welcome to." neon smiled, "when will you be working?" she wanted to make sure killjoy would be in there when she wanted to visit or she'd feel awkward walking into an empty lab. "usually 7am-8pm." killjoy said it with so casually while neon just sat there in shock, "you spend 13 hours in there?!" killjoy looked down at neon, "i do take my breaks. i make sure i'm well taken care of, i do leave the lab, but i just really like my bots ok..? they're like my children to me." what killjoy said is understandable, she spends lots of time perfecting them so she'd have a high attachment to them. "i could see why.. either way i'll drop by around 3pm." killjoy nodded, "see you then neon!" with that the filipino left to do her own thing.


neon typed in the code killjoy gave her to enter her lab. neon did come a bit earlier than 3pm as she was missing killjoy. the door hissed open revealing a puffy yellow jacket tinkering on what seems to be her alarm bot. "kamusta joy!" killjoy looked away from her boy to see neon in more casual clothes, a green & purple hoodie with some sweatpants. "hallo neon! no surge protector?" it was a bit dangerous for neon not to wear it considering how she can't fully control her powers yet. "of course not! Emery i'm not that stupid, it's under my hoodie. i don't want to put you in any danger." killjoy was glad neon considered her safety despite how uncomfortable that just be.

neon walked inside her lab and looked around, "it's so nice in here." she put her fingers on a table to glide them across, a bit of static coming from her fingers. she made her way over to killjoy to see what she was working on, "what're you doing to the alarm bot?" neon was extremely curious, never being able to see killjoy's lab considering it was pretty early into their friendship. "just fixing it. the poor things been shot at it a lot last mission." neon looked over killjoy's shoulder to get a better look then saw the bot was in its extended form, resembling a rabbit. "awww it's so cute. it looks like a rabbit! can i touch it?" neon had a glowing face killjoy couldn't say no to.

without even thinking killjoy agreed to let her touch it and it was a mistake to say the least. as soon as neon made contact with the bot, a smoke cloud appeared and they both suddenly mentally facepalmed for forgetting neon is electrical. "im so sorry Emery! i- is there anything i can do to help..?" killjoy just looked at her fried bot with sad eyes, "it's ok hase, i should've thought about it first. you did always warn me about this and i forgot."

this was one of the memories that stuck with them the most but not a very good one to remember, especially for the engineer. it took her much longer than needed to fix her bit after neon fried it. "it was not! it took so much longer to fix!" killjoy huffed while neon stared at her with a smile, ".. ok.. maybe it was a bit funny." neon chuckled and hugged her, "good luck with work Emery." neon let go of the taller to let her leave.

"thanks hase, i'll be thinking of you the whole time."

i lob them sm

FINISHED : january 25th

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