Chapter 9

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"Are we going to talk about what just happened?"

Thatch looked at the others, everyone sitting in the gallery and staring at the sleeping cat on the table. "No one? Like we just learned one of us is a traitor? Our cats got weird powers, and some black smoke snake came out of a star."

"Yes Thatch, we were all there." Izo fanned his face with his fan, a frown upon his painted lips. "No need to recap it."

Marco was still frowning, a sigh coming from him. "She was right. About Teach, yoi." Everyone looked at him shocked. "She tried to warn me but I wouldn't listen."

Thatch hummed, "Is that why you guys were fighting? Man was that weird." Ace gave a confused noise, so Thatch elaborated. "This morning they refused to acknowledge each other, completely ignoring each other. Now we know why but man it was weird. Don't do it again Marco."

The man just rolled his eyes, silence falling upon them. Haruta gently combed his hands over the tabby's back. "Will she be okay?"

Ace nodded, "Yeah. She's just sleeping, she said this happens when she uses too much energy." Oblivious to the states he was getting he continued to talk. "Something about needing to replenish what she used, I don't really get it but she said it's okay if she sleeps for awhile."

"Wait, wait, wait." Thatch held up his hands as he looked at his brother. "You knew? How long have you known?"

"Uhh since Shanks visited."

"And you never said anything?"

Ace just shrugged, "You never asked. Besides, it's not my tale to tell. And I don't even know all of it, just bits and pieces." His fingers pressed gently onto her head, "She'll tell us when she's ready."

Lyra pushed her head into his hand, stretching in her sleep as she purred. "Pops, you knew too didn't you, yoi?" Marco questioned their father, who just watched with a knowing smile.

"I had my suspicions. But it doesn't change anything, she's still my daughter." He rubbed her head fondly. "I am saddened about Teach, but she may have saved us from tragedy."

The mood turned somber at the remembrance of the man who planned to betray them all for a fruit. Marco had Haruta and Izo search his cabin, revealing the evidence that Lyra mentioned. Teach was found guilty and dealt with.

"So what is she exactly? Called herself a Guardian?"

Izo snapped his fan shut with a small frown. "Guardian?" He mused the word over in thought. "In Wano, they told stories and tales of the Guardians."

All heads leaned towards the commander, eager for the stories. "It's said that there were once dozens of Guardians. Hundred of years ago, a war broke out that lasted seven years. Once it was over only one was left. The Doe Guardian." Izo trained his eyes on the red tabby. "It's said she was a hero who stopped the chaos guardian from destroying the world."

"So she was the last one standing?" Thatch rubbed his chin, "She's a goddess then?"


A soft voice broke through them. "I'm a guardian not a goddess." Tired green eyes blinked up at them. Lyra stretched her body again, smacking her lips. "I'm not a hero. My siblings were the true heroes."

Lyra was nothing more than a weakling, the youngest and weakest of the group. Always needing to be protected, so for once she got to protect them. It didn't end how she wanted though.

Ace smacked her lightly on the head, a soft scowl on his face. "Don't say that. You were a hero too. Don't think so low of yourself." He got a soft huff in response.

"You're one to talk." A tired yawn left her lips, "I ran away, always running away. Hiding and running. I'm tired of running." Lyra wished she didn't have to keep running, but to keep everyone safe she had to. "They're safe though, always have been. Safe, hidden." She trailed off as she fell back asleep.

It left them to ponder it. "What did she mean by they're safe? Who's safe? And where are they hidden?" Haruta scratched her head lightly, "What really happened during the war?" He looked up towards Ace who was the only one who seemed to know anything.

He held his hands up with a shake of his head. "Look, like I said, not my secret to share. You guys will just have to wait until she wakes up fully." He was staying tight lipped about it all, it wasn't his to talk about.

All eyes watched the sleeping tabby, wanting to know more about her story and why a Guardian is sealed away.

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