Chapter 12

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Here it is....the hunt for the last star. This one's short, but it'll be a few chapters before we break the curse. He he he.


Haruta burst into the gallery a few weeks later, pure excitement on his face. He bent over in the doorway, gasping for breath before looking up with a grin.

"I found the last one."

Hope bloomed in Lyra's chest. No way. She scrambled after him, following him through the ship to the communication room. The others trailing.

Those who could fit squeezed into the room, Lyra taking up a seat on Marco's lap. She was vibrating from excitement and hope.

Marco kept a firm grip on her body to keep her from spasming or falling off. "Where is it yoi?" They all wanted to know where they had to go.

Haruta held up a finger for them to shush. "I found out through my channels that there's this old island," They all groaned at that, he loves his stories. "Now it's leadership has crumbled and the entire island is in ruins. Most of the people can't leave, so they suffer daily."

A heavy atmosphere filled the room, Lyra dug her paws into Marco's thigh. "It has to be there. It's the only thing that could cause that much destruction and chaos." That's what the seals do. Embedded with some of his powers it'll corrupt those who use them.

"The island is another week from here. We can send a small group to go get it and liberate the island as well." Immediately they started thinking of a plan, Lyra wanted to go but she was told to stay here.

Pouting, she ignored them all to leave the room. She was a Guardian, she could do whatever the hell she wanted to.

Hands scooped her up and held her, carrying her into a room before she was deposited onto a desk. Lyra pointedly looked away from Marco as he sat down with a sigh.


She resisted the urge to look, or even respond to that. Angry they were bossing her around. Angry they didn't think she could handle going with them. She wasn't a child, she was older than all of them.

Marco scratched behind her ear, damn him and knowing her weak spots. "I just want you to be safe. The safest place is here with Pops. He must suspect you to find them yourself, if you come you'll be a target, yoi." His fingers gently massaged her head, "We're pirates, it's not unsuspecting of us to take on trouble yoi."

Sighing, Lyra gave in and purred into his hand. "You make good points. But I want to protect you too. I can't always rely on others to fight my battles. How will I get stronger?" She needed to be better and stronger to protect her siblings, she was weak and couldn't be anymore.

"We will always want to protect you. You can support us, but let us do the fighting yoi. Besides, you're already pretty strong."

He chuckled at her grumbling as she curled up on her pillow for a nap. "Fine. I don't like it but fine." She had to suffer a week plus without her favorite people. This is going to suck so much.

Impulsively Lyra jumped up and nuzzled her face against Marco's cheek. "Please be careful. Promise you'll be careful."

Marco picked her up and settled her on his bed. She got to work making a small fort of his pillows. He scratched her behind her ears with a soft smile. "I promise. Now you stay safe too, yoi."

Once he packed up and left, Lyra snuggled deeper into his pillows. Encompassed by his scent, she sighed. Hopefully this all goes well.

She prayed to the gods and goddesses for their safety and swift return. May the winds carry them home to her.

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