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"I'm so, so sorry. I'm so ashamed." Louis said.

"It's okay. It's common after you come down from your trip." Harry assured him.

"I'm never trying LSD again. I feel like crap." Louis muttered. He was cold sweating.

The rest of the guys didn't comment on it. They just grabbed their stuff and moved away from the puke. Harry remade the bed and found a bottle of water.
"Drink this."

Louis' throat was dry so he thankfully accepted the water and emptied it in one go. Louis decided that he needed to walk a little. Harry immediately accompanied him. The Who gave one hell of a show and Louis was bummed that he was feeling too bad to enjoy it.
"So, that kiss was nice, at least until you almost puked all over me." Harry said teasingly.

Louis blushed.
"Again, so sorry. It's so typical. My first kiss and I almost puked over the guy."

Harry stopped walking and took his hands.
"Your first?"

"That counts. My first kiss with a boy." Louis said shyly.

Harry smiled and caressed his cheek tenderly before he let go and continued to walk. Louis didn't feel nausea anymore. They stopped to see the band and just stood there for what was left of the show. When The Who was done it was six in the morning. A guy went up on stage and announced that Jefferson Airplane wouldn't play until eight.
"Let's get some sleep." Harry said.

They headed back. The guys were sound asleep. They laid down and managed to fit in the sleeping bag. Louis was spooning Harry from behind and they fell asleep instantly.

They woke up two hours later by the sound of the crowd cheering. They didn't move and listened to Jefferson Airplane perform and fell back to sleep when they were done.

They woke up at one and found something to eat. Louis felt like shit. The aftermath of being jacked up on acid. He was sure that his breath smelled like a dead skunk. As soon as he had eaten he excused himself.
"Are you coming back?" Harry asked and looked at him with those wonderful green eyes.

"Do you want me to?" Louis asked.

"Of course. I'll wait here." Harry smiled.

Louis nodded his head and smiled before he hurried off. He almost ran to his car. He opened the trunk as soon as he reached it and found his toiletries. He looked around on the ground and saw a splash of water. He grabbed his soap and tried to freshen up, washing his armpits and chest. He used a t-shirt to get dry before he changed his clothes. He brushed his teeth and scratched his chin. He wished he could shave but he didn't want Harry to wait for him. Maybe he would grow tired and go somewhere else and he wouldn't see him again?

He locked the car and hurried back. Harry and his friends were where he left them. He smiled relieved. They seemed to have freshened up as well. He took a seat next to Harry. Zayn passed him a joint but he declined and so did Harry. Zayn shrugged and passed it to Liam instead.

The Grease band got on stage and started to play. Joe Cocker joined them after two songs. A shiver ran down Louis' spine when he started to sing. That man had some pipes! He was fully focused on the concert but when Harry put his arm around him that was all he could think about. He turned his head to look at him and smiled. Harry leaned in closer and he held his breath and met him halfway.

Their lips met and Louis shivered. Harry kissed him softly. His hand came to cradle his face and he licked his lower lip, asking for permission. Louis opened his mouth and they deepened the kiss. He was getting lightheaded. This felt like being high, only a hundred times better. He buried his hand in Harry's long hair and pulled him closer. Their surroundings disappeared. They kissed and they kissed, time vanished. At least until the sound of Joe Cocker belting out a cover of the Beatles with a little help of my friends reached his ears. He broke free and stared at Harry in wonder. They both smiled.
"Finally! I thought you got stuck together." Liam said.

Louis blushed and Harry laughed.
"Mind your own business Payno!"

They turned to look at the stage where Joe Cocker was giving a performance of a lifetime. Harry put his arm around his shoulders and Louis nuzzled closer. He had missed most of the performance but he didn't care. Not when he got kissed like that.

He had been too occupied by Harry's mouth to notice the thunder. A loud and made him jump and then it started to pour down. Lightning lit up the sky. Harry noticed that he started to shake.
"Are you scared of the thunder?"

"Uhm, yeah. Pretty silly." Louis mumbled.

"It's not. But we're getting soaking wet, we should try and find some shelter." Harry said calmly.

"My car is pretty close by." Louis replied.

The sound of the thunder increased and Louis whimpered. They collected their things and started to run towards his car after Harry had informed the rest of the guys. Harry took his hand and he was glad because the storm scared him. They made it to the car and Louis unlocked it and they hurried inside. Liam, Zayn, and Niall took the back seat. Louis got behind the wheels and Harry sat on the passenger side. The boys in the back removed their t-shirts and hang them to dry. Harry wasn't wearing anything under his vest and Louis had a fuzzy memory from last night about getting naked so he kept his shirt on. He hoped that he hadn't undressed yesterday but he was too embarrassed to ask.

He flinched when another thunder rumbled through the air. Harry patted his thighs.
"Lay down."

Louis looked at the boys in the back seat. They were all asleep. He laid his head in Harry's lap and curled into a ball. Harry played with his hair. It soothed him. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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