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"You look so happy Louis, you're glowing." Jay smiled when they had finished eating cake.

"I am happy mum." Louis beamed.

"Who is she?" Jay asked.

Louis' mood immediately dropped.
"Come on, you have that love-struck energy." Jay smiled.

"No one. I just enjoy my job and playing with the band." Louis mumbled and tried to smile.

"Alright. It's time for presents!" Jay said and got up to get them.

The guys had bought him band posters and records. Harry had given him a lava lamp and a necklace.

His sisters had bought him a cool t-shirt together. He received a new Bible and some bedlinen from his parents. He made sure to thank them all.

They went to church on Christmas eve morning. Louis had always liked that. It was special to hear the priest talk about the birth of Jesus and everyone was wearing their best outfits. It was ceremonial and almost cozy. After church, they returned home to celebrate Christmas. Good food, presents, board games. He had a wonderful Christmas but he missed Harry. He called him later that evening when he managed to sneak away into the study. Niall answered the phone and he had to interrupt him to get a chance to talk to Harry before his family members started to miss him.
"Hi darling, are you having a nice Christmas?" Harry asked as he came to the phone.

"Yeah, I just wanted to call quickly to wish you a merry Christmas. I miss you." Louis said in a low voice.

"I miss you too." Harry replied.

"Good. I have to go." Louis said.

"Okay. I love you." Harry replied.

"I love you too." Louis replied and hung up.

He returned to his family who had taken out another board game.
"There you are." Jay smiled.

They played until it was getting late. Louis went to sleep in his old room and on Sunday morning he attended church with his family before he said goodbye. He drove straight to Harry's apartment and knocked at the door. A sleepy Liam opened it and informed him that Harry was still in bed. Louis went to his room and crawled into bed and cuddled him. Harry woke up and wrapped his arms around him. Louis breathed in his scent and got a little teary-eyed.
"I couldn't tell them about us."

Harry hugged him closer and kissed his temple.
"That's okay."

"I want to but I'm scared." Louis almost whispered.

"I understand. Take your time." Harry said softly.

Louis returned to work on Monday. The week went by fast. They had band practice almost every day. On Wednesday Niall cane running into the basement.
"We have a gig?"

"What? Where?" Liam asked excitedly.

"At the bar at 24th Street. Next Saturday." Niall grinned.

"That's awesome!" Zayn said.

They were all really excited and started to discuss their setlist.

The day before New Year's Eve Harry asked Louis if he would like to go to a meeting with them.
"What kind of meeting?" Louis asked.

"It's an underground thing for LGBT rights." Harry informed him.

"Oh, yeah, why not?" Louis smiled.

Liam, Zayn and Niall came too. The meeting took place in a bar. Louis gasped when they entered. The place was packed. He had no idea that the LGBT community was so big. They found somewhere to sit and the meeting started a couple of minutes later. Louis listened intensely. The leader of the Gay liberation front talked about how gay people should be allowed to get married and have children and how they should protest. Louis agreed but he wasn't a violent man. He didn't want to get those rights by riots. There had to be another way.

He was lost in thoughts when the meeting ended. Harry squeezed his hand while they walked back to the guy's apartment. Louis spent the night and the next day they celebrated New years eve together. He went to church on Sunday, feeling very conflicted when the priest talked about love between a man and a woman. Wasn't there a place for him too?

He mentioned to his family that his band was performing at a club the next weekend and especially his sisters were happy for him.

They practiced every day after work the following week and on Saturday they arrived at the pub early to see up their equipment. They had a small room in the back to their disposal. Louis was really nervous about performing. He had never been in front of a crowd before and he had no idea if he had what it took. Harry took him to the side and told him that he was amazing and that he was gonna smash it. Louis smiled and kissed him for being such a wonderful, supporting boyfriend.
"Louis?" Someone gasped beside them.

He broke free and spun around just to be face to face with his sister Lottie. His eyes grew wide, his heart was beating like crazy and he panicked. She must have seen how frightened he was.
"No, it's okay Louis. Don't be scared." Lottie said.

She held out a hand for Harry to shake.
"Hi, I'm Charlotte, Louis' sister. It's really nice to meet you." She smiled.

Harry shook her hand.
"I'm Harry, Louis' ehm..." Harry glanced at Louis.

"Boyfriend. He's my boyfriend. You can't tell mum and dad." Louis stressed.

"I won't. I'm sorry for showing up unannounced but I wanted to surprise you." Lottie said. She walked over to her brother and hugged him "It's okay Lou, I don't care. I'm happy for you." She said quietly.

The feeling of being accepted overwhelmed him and Louis started crying.
"Thank you."

He let go of Lottie and turned to Harry who opened his arms. Louis made himself small and stepped into his embrace.
"Are you okay?" Harry asked.

"Yeah." Louis breathed out.

Someone came and told them to get on stage in fifteen. Louis dried his cheeks and took a shaky breath.
"I'll go and find somewhere to sit. Good luck!" Lottie smiled.

"Your sister is hot." Niall commented when she had left the room.

"Shut up!" Louis huffed.

Niall just cackled loudly. They got up on stage and introduced themselves as One direction. Louis' nerves calmed down after the first song and he actually enjoyed it. When they were done everyone clapped their hands. Lottie came up to them.
"You're awesome!"

They went home to the guy's apartment to celebrate their first gig and Lottie joined them. She got an opportunity to talk to Harry and when she had to get home she pulled Louis to the side.
"He's great. I approve." She grinned.

"Thanks for being so open-minded Lotts." Louis smiled.

"I told you that I love you no matter what." Lottie replied.

Louis had never felt more grateful for his sister.

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