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He started his new job on Monday morning and he instantly loved it. One of the biggest perks was that he got a discount on every record he bought. Whenever there were no customers he went through all the records one by one and wrote down all that he wanted to buy which was half the store. They always played music in the store as well and on his first day, he had heard so much great music that he could die a happy man. Well, that was a bit drastic.

His mum called later that evening. She was very upset that he had missed church.
"I don't recognize you anymore Louis. This isn't you!"

He truthfully had forgotten about the church. He had been too busy listening and singing with the band. He felt awful.
"I'm sorry mum. I promise that I will attend next Sunday."

"And Saturday?" Jay asked.

"I can't mum. I'm still me. I just have to find myself you know? I see you on Sunday. I love you." Louis said.

His mum told him that she loved him too but she sounded disappointed. He didn't know what to do. He decided to call Harry. He started to ramble about his family and church and his conscience as soon as he answered. Harry let him talk for ten minutes before he interrupted him.
"Louis! Breathe. It's okay. You can believe in God and not attend church several times a week. You can believe in God and be gay. You can attend church and be Gay. I know that the church doesn't look kindly on people like us but that's the church. God loves everyone."

"Do you believe in God Harry?" Louis asked quietly.

"Yes. I don't go to church that often. For me religion is personal. If the church is important to you, go. On your own terms, not because your family tells you to. I know all about disappointing your family. Do you think my mum is happy about me moving to the States? I don't get vacation time, I can't go home to see her and the rest of my family and I miss them like crazy. But this is my life, my choice." Harry said.

"I miss England." Louis sighed.

"Yeah, me too. How are you feeling? Still panicking?" Harry asked softly.

"No. Thanks, Harry. You're the best!" Louis smiled.

"So how was your first day at your new job?" Harry asked.

"Amazing!" Louis grinned and told him all about it.

It was pretty late when they hung up. Louis fell asleep right away.

The week went by fast. He worked, met the guys two times afterward to rehearse, and hung out with Harry alone. On Saturday they took him to another gay bar. He was so excited over his whole new life that he only dared to dream about before. On Sunday morning he got in his car and drove to church, leaving a naked Harry in his apartment. They didn't have sex but they explored each other's bodies and helped each other get off. Louis had never felt such a rush, or been that aroused before. He was definitely gay. He had known that since he was thirteen but it was kind of a relief to get that confirmed once and for all.

His family was waiting for him outside the church and they looked happy to see him. They took turns hugging him. He had missed them. Why couldn't he have the best of two worlds?

They took a seat at their usual spot and Louis liked this too. It felt comforting. He went home with his family afterward and his sisters couldn't stop asking him questions. He told them that he was in a band and they squealed. Louis glanced at his parents but they just smiled at him so he told them about his bandmates, making sure that he didn't talk extra much about Harry to raise suspicion.

It was a good day altogether and he had a smile on display when he drove home. Harry had left but he had expected him to. He went to bed so he would be fully rested for another work week.

Time flew. A month went by and he was happier than he had ever been. Harry had told h that he loved him one night when they were laying in bed. He immediately said it back and his heart was about to burst with happiness but in the back of his head he had this nagging thought that he was living a double life. They knew nothing about his amazing boyfriend who was the best part of his life while Harry's family knew everything about him. They were even planning to come and visit during the summer so they could meet him.

Soon Christmas was at the door which also meant his birthday. Harry was really excited about it. Since he had a couple of days off from work he was going home to his family. Harry asked him to come over on the 23rd. When he entered the apartment Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Niall were waiting in the living room with party hats on their heads. Liam and Zayn didn't look particularly amused. Louis grinned at them when they all shouted "happy birthday!"

Harry had baked a cake and they had all bought him presents. Here sure to thank them all individually. They hung out for a while before Harry announced that he was planning to cook him dinner at Louis' place so they could have some alone time. He went to the kitchen and gathered the ingredients he needed and they headed over to Louis' small apartment. Harry cooked a wonderful dinner and spent the night. This time they took it all the way and lost their virginities together. It was perfect.

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