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He had spent the whole day getting ready. He had been on dates before. With girls. This was different. He had no idea where they were going or what they were doing. Was he supposed to come up with a plan? No. Harry asked him out. He surely must have a plan. It wasn't like they could kiss in the open even if Greenwich was known for being LGBT-friendly. But he knew The state's view on homosexuality. It was seen as sodomy by law. Openly gay people got fired from their work. He had read about the Stonewall riots in the papers back in July about a violent police raid at a gay bar and how the gay community fought back. Louis wasn't brave like that. He couldn't even come clean to his own family.

When Harry arrived at half-past seven he had almost worked himself up to a panic attack.
"What's wrong?" Harry asked as soon as he laid eyes on him.

"I'm just nervous about being lit in the open, you know. I read about that Stonewall incident." Louis said.

Harry took his hand and lead him to the couch and they sat down.
"First of all, I was there, the cops were crazy. Of course, we fought back!"

"You were there?" Louis gasped.

"We all were." Harry replied.

"We?" Louis questioned.

"Niall, Zayn, Liam, and I." Harry said.

"Oh. They're gay too?" Louis wondered.

"We're all a little bit gay, aren't we?" Harry smirked. "No. Zayn is queer, Liam I honestly don't know and Niall is straight, but they're all supporters of LGBT rights."

"That's great. Wasn't it scary?" Louis asked.

Harry sighed and ruffled his hair.
"Yeah, of course, it was scary but I'm fighting for what's right. Anyhow, second of all, and I guess I should have started with this one, as long as we don't kiss or hold hands in public we can date. No one knows it's a date, Louis. Do I want to kiss you and hold your hand in public? Hell yes, but safety is more important. If you're too scared to go out on a date we can stay here. Your feelings are valid."

Louis thought about it.
"I want to go out. What did you have in mind?"

"Nothing fancy. Just dinner and a movie." Harry smiled.

"Sounds perfect." Louis said and returned the smile.

They headed out and Harry took him to an Italian place. Louis looked around at the other guests. Mostly males. He looked at Harry who winked at him. After a lovely dinner, they walked to a nearby cinema and decided to watch Easy rider.

Harry walked him home after their perfect date and kissed him good night.

Harry called the next day and asked if Louis wanted to come and hear the band practice. Louis immediately agreed. They had a place a couple of blocks away. Louis went over to their place and they walked together.
"Do you play an instrument, Louis?" Liam asked.

"I play the violin. Not exactly rock material." Louis chuckled.

"That would actually sound cool. Bring it next time so we can try it out. Tomorrow. Right guys?" Liam said and looked around.

"Why not? We're more of a soft rock band anyhow." Niall grinned.

They reached the basement and Zayn unlocked the door. Their instruments were already inside. Harry found a share for Louis and gave him a quick peck on the lips before he joined the others. Louis listened to them play for an hour. When they finally put their instruments down he clapped his hands.
"You sound great. Was that all original songs?"

"Of course." Niall grinned and then he added "I'm starving. Usual place?"

"Fine by me." Harry smiled. He looked at Louis who nodded.

They headed to a classic diner around the corner. Louis ordered pancakes. The boys were really talkative and Louis sensed that they made an effort to get to know him for real. That was sweet. After they had eaten the guys went back to their place while Harry accompanied him home. They spent the rest of the day making out and talking until Harry went home to his place. Louis loved every second of it.

The next morning he found his violin. He was a little rusty but played a couple of tunes. His neighbors must have loved that. He brought the violin to the basement where the guys rehearsed. They played the same songs as yesterday and Louis joined them, freestyling on the violin. After two songs they stopped.
"That sounded great! Now, we know you can sing as well. Try. Let's do the first one again."

"Uhm, sure. I mean, I can try." Louis said.

They repeated the song. Louis played the violin and joined in on the harmony in the chorus. When they took the last chord Niall screeched.
"Yes! That's what we've been missing. Did you hear it guys?"

"Absolutely." Liam agreed.

"Guys, no need to fake woo me. I already like you. That was fun. Thanks for letting me sing with you." Louis smiled.

"Louis, you lifted the whole chorus, giving the song another sound, a better one. No one is fake wooing here." Harry said softly.

"Let's try another one!" Zayn suggested.

Louis didn't know what to believe but he nodded his head and they sang the second song again. Once more he sang the chorus with them and played the violin. The boys were smiling widely at him when the song was over. They tried a couple of more songs before they called it the day. Louis really had to wee so he stepped outside. When he returned the boys look really excited.
"We had a quick vote. It was a no-brainer really. You're in!" Niall said.

"In?" Louis questioned.

"We want you to join our band." Liam explained.

Louis' mouth fell open.
"Me? Are you sure?"

"Only if you want to of course. What do you say?" Harry asked.

"Yes!" Louis shouted.

"Alright! We need to celebrate." Zayn smiled.

They took him to a gay bar. First time for everything.

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