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They woke up at six. It had stopped raining. Louis sat up and tried to stretch his back. That hadn't been an ideal sleeping position. They got out of the car and headed to the stage. When they saw Country Joe and the Fish for a second time they decided to get something to eat instead. The line to the food tent was very long but they were in no hurry.
"So tell me about yourself, Louis." Harry said with a smile.

"Not much to tell. I still live at home. I work at our local church three days a week." Louis said and added, "how about you?"

"The guys and I share an apartment. We have a band together. I work at a coffee shop to pay rent but we're all devoted to our music." Harry said.

"Cool. Who sings?" Louis grinned.

"All of us. Niall played the guitar, Liam the drums, Zayn the bass and I play the piano." Harry answered.

When they had managed to get a plate of food, some granola-based stuff, it was time for the next band to get on stage. They found a place to sit, where they could see the stage from afar.
"Who's performing now?" Zayn asked.

"Ten years after." Louis replied and took a mouthful of the questionable food. He made a face. It didn't taste great but at least he wouldn't go hungry.

"Alvin is playing? I haven't seen him in years. Gosh, it must have been five years at least back in England." Zayn said.

"Alvin?" Louis asked curiously.

"The singer." Zayn explained.

"Oh, you know him?" Louis wondered and Zayn shrugged his shoulders and lit up a joint. He took a couple of drags and passed it around. Harry declined once again.

"You can smoke you know, I don't care." Louis said.

"I don't feel like it." Harry smiled.

They listened to the English rock band in silence. Louis liked them. Harry was leaning his back against Louis' chest and Louis held his arms around him while Harry held his hand between his palms, measuring their hands. When the band got off stage Louis sighed.
"I can't believe that it's just one day left."

"There's gonna be performances all night and tomorrow as well." Harry said.

"Yeah, but still." Louis smiled a little sadly.

Harry sat up so he could kiss him. Louis melted. They made out until it was time for the next act, The band. Louis was beyond tired. It had been a couple of intense days without that much sleep but he wouldn't change it for anything.

They laid down in the sleeping bag since it was getting late and time flew by. They slept, made out, and listened to music. Johnny Winter, Blood, Sweat & Tears, Crosby, Still, Nash & Young, Paul Butterfield Blues band, and Sha na na all performed and Louis loved every performance, some more than others.

At nine the next morning it was finally time for the last act and Jimi Hendrix took the stage. Louis had really been looking forward to this and he stood up so he could see the stage. He was absolutely mesmerized by the guitar-playing God. When Hendrix did his own version of The star-spangled Banner the audience went wild. He played four more songs after that before he got off stage.
"That was absolutely amazing." Louis smiled.

"Hendrix is a beast on the guitar." Niall replied, sounding starstruck.

"Totally." Zayn agreed.

"Yeah. Alright, get your things. It's time to go home. I can't wait for a shower." Liam grinned.

Louis' heart sank in his chest. No more Harry. He helped them carry their things and they headed to the cars. They reached his first. He handed over the blankets he was carrying.
"Go ahead guys, I'll catch up with you." Harry said.

Liam, Zayn, and Niall said goodbye before they tried to find their minivan. Harry and Louis just stood there staring at each other.
"So... I had a great time." Louis said.

"Yeah, me too. Here, I wrote down my address and phone number. Don't be a stranger." Harry smiled.

Louis took the piece of paper and nodded his head.

Harry opened his arms and pulled him in for a hug. When they let go he leaned down and kissed him before he said goodbye and hurried after the guys. Louis stared at his back until he was out of sight. He got in his car and drove off. He didn't make it far. It was cars everywhere blocking the road. He was getting stressed out. He needed to get home. Two hours later he was finally on his way. He had no idea how he would explain his unwashed hair, unshaved shin, and dirty clothes. It didn't exactly go hand in hand with Bible camp.

He arrived at him just before dinner. His mum met him in the hallway.
"There you are! I was beginning to get worried."

"I'm sorry mum." Louis apologized.

She looked at him.
"Did you have a good time? You look a little messy. Did you forget your razor?" She teased.

"Uhm, yeah. I'm gonna get a quick shower before dinner, alright?" Louis said.

"Sure. Then I wanna hear all about it." Jay smiled.

Louis' stomach twisted. He didn't want to lie more than he already had.
"Not much to tell." He mumbled.

He dumped his suitcase in his room before he entered the bathroom. He wasn't exactly smelling like roses. He couldn't think of another time in his life when he had been this dirty.

He turned on the shower and waited for the water to get warm before he stepped inside. It felt heavenly. He washed his hair and scrubbed his body clean. He got out and wrapped a towel around his waist and shaved off his beard before he got dressed. One of his sisters came to tell him that dinner was ready. He went downstairs and joined his family at the dining table. He was starving and stuffed himself full while he tried to answer his family's questions about Bible camp as vaguely as he possibly could.

He made an early night and when he was laying in bed he thought about everything he had experienced during Woodstock. Harry was the best part. He had kissed a man, Harry, and it had been amazing.

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