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Another year had passed and they were settled in London. They all agreed that moving back was the best decision they had ever made. They saw their families on a regular basis, even Niall who made sure to fly home to Ireland once in a while. They shared an apartment all five of them which wasn't ideal but they all had to make sacrifices for the band. Louis had found a job in a record store. Harry worked in yet another coffee shop. Liam, Zayn and Niall worked in a bar.

They had managed to save enough money to record a demo that they had sent to every record label they could find. In the meantime, they tried to get as many gigs as possible so people would hear their music.

They had also joined the Gay liberation front and helped them plan England's first gay pride but first, they marched for the age of consent. For heterosexuals, that age was sixteen but for some reason unknown to them the age of consent for homosexuals was 21.

Their phone rang on a Thursday. Niall was expecting a call from his family so he answered. They all knew that something was up from the way his voice was trembling and from how excited he looked. It was a short conversation.
"Guys! That was Jerry Brons from Bronze Records! He heard our demo and wants a meeting."

They all screamed and hugged.
"When?" Liam asked.

"On Monday." Niall grinned.

They celebrated that night.

The meeting went better than they could have ever imagined. They got offered a record deal. Now they really celebrated. When they stumbled home after a very wet night out Harry put his arms around Louis' shoulders.
"It's really happening. I'm so happy that you decided to go to Woodstock. Who knows if we would have met otherwise? Next time we attend we're gonna be up on that stage as one of the acts."

Louis giggled exhilarated.
"I'm happy I went to. Meeting you is the best thing that ever happened to me."

"What about us?" Niall slurred.

Harry and Louis laughed.
"Yeah, you too of course but I'm not in love with you."

He looked up at the stars and smiled happily. He could really have it all, and maybe one day they would be allowed to get married too and have kids. He would sure as hell fight for it. He would drag Harry to whatever country that first allowed it, but there were always ways to get around it. He was determent to have it all.

The End

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