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He had a perfect day with Harry and his friends. They ate and then they walked around in New York City. Harry showed him some of his favorite places. He even bought a record with Jimi Hendrix.

He spent Sunday in his room after church, thinking about what he wanted to do with his life. Meeting Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Niall had inspired him to be independent and focus on his own hope and dreams.

The first thing he did was to find a job that he would actually like. He took the car downtown and when he returned back home he had managed to get a job in a record store. He swung by the church to tell the priest that he could no longer work there. Next, he had to find somewhere to live. He checked the paper and circled some options that he would be able to afford. On Tuesday he went to look at the places. The apartment wasn't bigger than a shoebox but he didn't care. He chose the flat closest to Harry's. Now he just had to tell his family that he was moving out.

As suspected his mum didn't take it well.
"Where is this coming from?"

"I'm turning 23 in a couple of months. It's time for me to live my own life." Louis said.

His dad agreed even though he didn't understand why he had quit his job at the church. Lottie and Fizzy we're happy for him. The twins didn't want him to leave.

He called Harry later that night to tell him the news. Harry sounded a little surprised but was happy for him. He even offered him help to move but he declined. His family was helping him.

He had saved most of his salary from the job at the church. He used a big chunk of it to buy a couch, a coffee table, a bed, and a small kitchen table with chairs. He realized how much a home required and bought most of it in a second-hand shop, except the bed. He made sure to get some kitchen supplies and other stuff that he needed, like bed linen and towels. His mum gave him some curtains and stuff. A week later they helped him move to his new apartment. His mum wasn't impressed with the place and asked him to move back home but he just shook his head with a smile and hugged her. They helped him get the place in order and then they went out for dinner.

He called Harry as soon as his family had left. He hadn't moved out from his family home just because of Harry, he didn't even know what they were. But Harry had been an encouraging factor.

Harry asked if he could come over and he immediately agreed. He hurried to change his clothes and waited nervously. Harry showed up ten minutes later.
"You live close by."

"Uhm yeah, is that okay?" Louis asked.

"That's perfect." Harry grinned.

Louis showed him his one-room apartment. It wasn't much but it was something.
"It's cozy. I bet it must be nice to have a place to yourself. I love the guys but sometimes they're a little too much." Harry said.

"Same with my family." Louis chuckled.

Harry took a seat on the sofa and Louis made them some tea. His mum had been considerate enough to take him grocery shopping before they left.

He put the tea on the coffee table and took a seat next to Harry.
"So...you're doing a lot of big life changes." Harry commented while he sipped his tea.

"It was time. I just needed a nudge in the right direction." Harry smiled.

Harry seemed to hesitate.
"I hope you're not doing it to impress me? I mean, I already like you, you don't have to change for me." His cheeks got a rosy touch.

"You think I change my life for a boy just because he kissed me? You're not that great of a kisser." Louis teased.

Harry burst out laughing.
"Geez! Thanks."

"I'm doing this for me. It's time that I start to live the life that I want. You're just a lovely bonus." Louis smirked.

"Is that so?" Harry said in amusement. He put down his cup and removed Louis' cup from his hands and put it down on the table as well. He turned to face him.

"Yeah. I like you too for the record." Louis gulped.

Harry smiled and cupped his cheeks before he leaned in to kiss him. He tasted sweet from the tea with a mixture of minty toothpaste. They soon ended up horizontal on the couch and Harry was looking for skin-on-skin contact, running his hand on Louis' stomach. It was when his hand started to travel south that Louis broke the kiss, even though he was painfully hard already.
"Wait, I'm not ready for...eh...."

"Sex?" Harry wondered.

"Yeah." Louis blushed.

"Neither am I. Sex is a big deal to me. A handjob on the other hand..." Harry grinned cheekily but hurried to add "It's totally fine if you don't want that either."

Louis didn't have to think twice about it.
"Yeah, no, I can do that."

Harry pecked his lips before he sat up.
"Bed? Hopefully a little more comfortable."

Louis nodded his head and they moved over to the bed and laid down. Louis let Harry take the lead and by the time he opened his pants he was ready to burst. He made sure that he wasn't just receiving and got Harry off at the same time. It didn't take long for them both to come. When they had come down from their highs Harry opened his eyes.
"I think it's about time that I ask you out on a date. Tomorrow? I work until six."

Louis burst out in a fit of giggles.
"You're asking me out while we're both covered in cum?"

"I can't think of a better time." Harry chuckled.

"Fine, yeah, I'd love to go out on a date. Tomorrow is perfect. Can you move now so I can get clean?" Louis smiled.

"You're so romantic." Harry gifted but he got up from bed and tucked himself back in his pants.

They cleaned up and hung out a while longer before Harry had to get home. Louis went to bed. He couldn't stop smiling.

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