Prologue (teaser)

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        I clenched my fists as I stared at the group of boys cornering Clark. I wanted to kick their asses, but to do that would ruin someone's reputation. He was known as Cat Piss because of the pungent smell that emanated from his clothing. It hurt sometimes to see his sad face and gloomy eyes that searched for someone to help him. No one ever came.

        Everyone knew he had a slight form of autism as well. Aspergers, but no one wanted to remember the slight details. If they could get their hands on anyone, they would take their chances with a person who is slightly disabled.

        He doesn't speak much, but when he does it's blunt and sometimes rude. I don't blame Clark. Everyone seems to be mean to him except for a few nice girls around school.

        "What's wrong Perry, cat got your tongue?" Tony laughed as if it was honestly the funniest thing he had ever heard, and the way he used Clark's last name chilled me to the core. I knew his intentions were not the right ones and I felt somehow nervous for him.

        I was watching from afar as I saw Tony and two of his friends corner Clark outside of the local McDonald's, happy meal in hand. I stopped my car to make sure they didn't hurt him. Even if I did not know him, he is still a person.

        I growled, biting back the tension that I felt rush to my body. I must admit, I don't like when they pick on Clark, but I have never actually stuck up for him. I knew it was my own wrong doing, if I would have helped sooner, or even at all.

        As I saw Clark glare at the boys and spit at them, it shocked me. He never did this, at least not at school. I growled when Andrew, one of Tony's friends, shoved Clark back. I was done seeing this. I stepped out of my car and hurried my way over to them.

        "Hey, leave him alone." I shouted as I approached. Tony chuckled and raised an eyebrow.

        "Come to help?" He asked. My eyes gazed down at Clark, and his small figure tensed as he looked up at mine in fear. I will admit, I am a larger and broader child, but I would never hurt another person. I have morals.

        "No, I came to take him home." I said as I shooed them away from him so he could make it to my car. His eyes shone in curiosity and confusion.

        "What are you, his babysitter?" Hunter, the other boy out of the three asked, and I glared at him. He was about my same stature but he didn't look like he could hold his own in a fight, and I bet he knew it.

        "No, I'm making sure he gets home safe." I made a motion for Clark to come with me, and he did it reluctantly. He went to get into my car tentatively, as if touching it would make it fall apart. He sat down and buckled up, making sure he was pushed against the seat as far as he could be.

        "I could have handled myself." Clark hissed as he clutched his happy meal box in his hands.

        "It didn't look like it." Wow, I swear I sounded like a scrutinizing mother hen.

        "They're just assholes... assholes." He seemed to be in his own world now as he fiddled with his fingers. I asked him where he lived. When he gave me his address, I would have said I was shocked if it wasn't for his appearance. I am not one for prejudgment, but with Clark it just came so easily. His greasy dirty blonde hair and baggy, smelly clothing gave away his status at our school. People called him a scumbag, but something made me feel otherwise.

        "Fucking assholes..." It seemed like in his own head Clark was still going on and on about Tony and his jerks.

        As I started to get back on the road, a pungent smell started to invade my nostrils. I knew what it was. I tried to ignore it by plugging up my throat. Clark seemed to notice.

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