Chapter Ten

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Maybe not so much in love as I thought.

I was currently sitting on Tyee's bed and he had pulled out a playstation a good hour and a half ago and was sitting on the floor enjoying himself. What I mean by that is that he was in day old clothes, had bed hair and hot cheeto stains all over his shirt. I would have sat down on the floor with him but I was sure I might smell his breath. Gross.

"Could you hand me that?" Tyee asked as he pointed behind himself in the general direction of a bag of sour cream and onion chips. I nodded although I knew he couldn't see and grabbed the bag off his nightstand, and put the bag in his hand.

It actually wasn't as awkward as it might have been because I liked the feeling of just sitting there watching him eat and play the games. Lord knows I could not play these first person action games.

"Boys, dinner!" Tyee's mother called out and I didn't realize how hungry I was until food offered to me was mentioned.

Tyee lept from his spot on the floor and motioned me to follow as he made his haste to the dining area. Mz. Jackson raised a brow at us and took in Tyee's appearance and her look changed from quizzical to judgmental in less than .5 seconds.

"If you don't go clean up before supper I swear to all that is wholly. What kind of example is this, you look gross! You change now!" She wasn't upset but you could tell his appearance wasn't what she expected.

"I'm not gonna leave the house in this, geez," he scoffed back but left the room none the less and Mz. Jackson looked at me.

"Now don't look like that," she directed right at me. "Get in the kitchen and fix your plate, you know how it works." I nodded my head and made my way into the kitchen, grabbing a plate from the cupboard and instantly started filling my plate with all the amazing food she had made. Chicken legs, potatoes, green beans and applesauce. Gosh, im in heaven whenever I eat supper here.

I walk back in the dining area to see Tyee in different clothes and his cheeto fingers are washed off instead of lightly cleaned by his saliva cleaning them. He grumbled as he walked into the kitchen and I looked at Mz. Jackson. She had this strict rule that she fix her plate last because she is an adult but you would think she would get her's first. I mean, that's what I would probably do.

Once we were all settled we sat in a peaceful silence while eating. I of course interrupted when I thanked Mz. Jackson for the amazing food.

"Oh no problem, I love cooking. I just wish I went towards that dream than going into the medical field." She gave a content but pained sigh that even I could see through her eyes. And people tell me I'm not good at reading expressions, ha.

"What do you mean?" I asked and Tyee swallowed hard, to the point I could hear it, and answered for her.

"She wanted to be a cook."

"He got that," Mz. Jackson replied sarcastically before she looked at me. "What I mean was," she took a deep breath before releasing it, "I wanted to be a cook more than working at an internship level at an urgent care hospital, which sucks by the way. I don't know, i just feel my skills aren't being used properly."

"Oh." Wow, 'oh' is so smart of me. I felt bad that I couldn't comfort her when she clearly looked like she needed reassurance but i didn't know how to. I didn't feel right hugging her, but that's what they do on tv.

It was an awkward silence now and i felt bad, because Mz. Jackson clearly wasn't in the best of moods anymore. So I slowly slid my hand near hers and gave it a light squeeze before letting go.

See Clark, it's not so bad right? You can do this, stick to hand holding.

Mz. Jackson looked at me and I looked away. My face was all hot and I felt weird with her staring at me like that.

After dinner it seemed Tyee and I had the same idea because when we got to his room we stared at the lone controller on his floor. Because he was an only child that must be the reason he only has one, but now I wanted to see what the game was about. We gave each other a look that confirmed our thoughts, at least for me and we raced towards the controller. Tyee made it first, obviously and I couldn't help but jut out my bottom lip while crossing my arms. The pose felt so natural because it expressed my emotions easier than words would.

"Awe Clark, it's okay don't be upset. Here, sit down." Tyee patted the floor next to him and I made my way there. Tyee handed me the controller and told me what all the buttons that he would hit were. It seemed like a lot to remember. Tyee stood up and switched the games. "It's not that I don't want you playing the game for me, but it's hard so I'mma put something in so you can learn the controller first. He put in a game labelled Second Son and I sat criss cross getting ready for the game to start.

Tyee sat back down next to me and I smiled at him as eh explained about the game and we started.

Needless to say I wasn't any good at all and I wanted to quit so bad but then again it was finally my turn to play so I took my time and tried over and over again. Tyee kept leaning over and fixing my fingers or hitting a button I forget to press and pushes my fingers out the way, the controller hog. Even when it's not his turn he's playing, even though I don't mind. He was helping me win.

I also get bored easily so I ended up on the bed again watching Tyee get distracted by the game and I enjoyed it way more. I looked away for a second and I closed my eyes to rest them real quick but the last thing I remember is listening to Tyee yell at the screen.

Not edited as you can tell. Short but it was a bonding experience for the two of them and it's one of those new never before seen chapters. I hope you enjoyed it. Again, a reminder for those who are new, ignore old comments because they are from earlier renditions of the book. I also don't mean to offend anyone who works in healthcare, that's what I was going to major in but changed my mind. I mean I was gonna be a cardiovascular perfusionist but I ended up dropping out of school. Stuff happens I guess XD

The Boy Who Smelled Like Cat Piss (boyxboy) Where stories live. Discover now