Chapter Three

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That night we didn't do anything more than talk and accidentally touch each other during the night while trying to go to sleep. We went over boundaries for where we stood as friends and where we stood physically, because he said he has boundaries of where he can be touched. Which is mostly that he doesn't like it.

I know I wouldn't be a good friend but I told him I'd try. I don't actually have many friends, beside a few acquaintances I wasn't hated but I didn't have best friends.But I'm not one to completely push people's boundaries, and I don't think I'm ready to do that yet anyways.

But out conversations stemmed from all different types of things until it got to a conversation that I wasn't expecting. Clark had sat up and faced me, his legs cross and his eyes downcast. I could see he was trying to form the sentences in his head before he said it outloud so I let him think peacefully.

A few minutes later Clark finally spoke and he blurted out the most surprising sentence i've heard from him so far. "What is it like to kiss someone?"

"Why do you want to know?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulder.

"I'm not completely sure, just a thought. I mean, all the books I've read and all the romance movies I've watched are always saying that it is the best feeling, but I don't know because I've never kissed someone."

"You realize that you don't need to kiss someone to trust the novels? It isn't even all that exciting anyways, trust me. What made you ask anyways?"

"It is just a thought I have always had and never had anyone to ask. Sorry," he mumbled. i chuckled and shifted where I was laying and stretched.

"You're fine, it just caught me off guard." I closed my eyes to rest them and that's when Clark finally fully laid down and shut his eyes to sleep, too.

I hadn't seen Clark this week because we had no classes together, but I was able to find where his locker was because I could see him in the halls. On Friday, I found him at his locker and I leaned against a locker close to him.

"Hey, man," I greeted with a tease as I racked his body with my eyes. I had to be honest, he didn't look that graceful but he didn't look like complete shit either. He had bags underneath his eyes, and his clothes were the same dirty pants he wore all the time, but his shirt was the plain one I let him borrow last weekend. The smell of cat pee was prominent on him, but I did my best to ignore it as I watched him blush at me.

"Stop," Clark said softly as he turned away, the redness from his blush showing on his neck. "People might hear you!"

"So what if they do?" I smirked, knowing how to handle this. I could see if people were close, and I knew how to lower my voice. If Clark was iffy about us being friends then if keep it down low. It was an empty threat, I wouldn't actually let people hear me. That would go against his wishes, we are just friends after all.

"Because people could... could see and be... be mean." His eyes lowered as he put on his old backpack and waited for me to say something.

"I won't let anything bad happen to you." I smiled down at him and wrapped my arm around his shoulder so I could guide him out of the school. We got a few head turns but not many people realized us because they were too busy getting to their bus.

"I have to go. My bus will be leaving soon." Clark tried to free himself of my grasp, but I just tightened my arm a little tighter. When he seemed to freak out, I released him. I almost forgot that might happen, he's not as touchy as other people and I seemed to forget that. He's socially awkward yet you would not be able to tell by speaking to him sometimes.

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