Chapter Four

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        This is one of those chapters that has never been seen before, so this is completely new, and not just an edited chapter. For all who are reading a second time I hope you like it!

        After I took Clark home that night I messaged Janie, seeing what she was up to and she replied back shortly after. She told me she was going to be off of work soon and that I should pick her up from her house after she freshened up. She also told me she was fine with whatever I decided we could do.

        So I lay in bed and wondered because now I had ten dollars to my name and made plans with someone. I fucked up but I didn't want to cancel. Then what? She would hate me forever and think I was backing out from a date because I didn't want her, never speak to me again and tell everyone what a jerk I am? Not only that but her brother would probably jump me out of nowhere.

         Sighing I stood up and walked to my mom's room. I opened the door without knocking, like always and she jumped up a little from her seat in front of her vanity and glared at me. "Tyee!" She chastised me and I smiled at her, grinning ear from ear.

        "You know you love me," I said walking up behind her. She glared at me from her mirror as she continued to put on eyeliner. "Why are you getting so dressed up?" I asked as I grabbed a piece of hair that was sticking out from one of her many hair rollers, tugging on it. Mom swatted my hand away from her head hissing in pain. I rolled my eyes, knowing it didn't really hurt her.

        We were always like this, I tugged on her hair, she pinched my arms. It was a repeating cycle.

        "Where is that piece of hair? I have to fix it quickly and then finish my makeup," she rushed and I was now the one swatting her hand from the back or her head and grabbing the piece of hair from her, waiting for her to take it from me.

        "Again, why are you getting so dressed up?" I asked irritated from her lack of answering.

        "I have a date, so I won't be back home tonight." I looked around and saw the large purse she always brought with her when she spent the night at a man's house because it could fit an extra pair or clothes, her toothbrush, deodorant and makeup so she could wake up looking refreshed the next morning all without the purse being too bulky.

        "Okay, so what am I supposed to do tonight?" I asked and she was the one to roll her eyes this time.

        "I don't know, hang out with your friend, Clark," she replied.

        "Can I have money to hang out with him?" I asked her, lying slightly. I did need money to do stuff, but it wasn't with Clark.

        "Don't you have a job?"

        "Well yeah, but I ran out of money. I'll pay you back when I get my next paycheck."

        "If I didn't love you," she said in a threatening tone and I smirked at her. "Grab my purse, and bring it to me."

         "And that would be where?" I looked for her red coach bag that always had her wallet and she hit my arm, then pointed at her dresser which was right in front of my face. "Oh."

        I grabbed it and handed it to her and she rummaged through it, pulling out a crisp twenty dollar bill and handing it to me. "Don't forget to pay me back."

        "Did I or did I not say I would pay you back?"

        "Shut up," mom said and I grumbled under my breath for her to shut up, too. Her hand was smacking my face so quick I almost didn't register it in my mind. "What did you say you little shit?" She continued to try and smack me, now up from her chair and following me as I tried to retreat from her room.

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