Chapter Two

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        I sat down at the table next to Clark and rubbed the back of my neck. I could feel the tension in the air, and I didn't like it yet I knew who created it. I did, I fucked up a normal acquaintance.

        I mean, what was I thinking? I invited the small creature into my house with his clearly unstable and unfit parents into my home and I almost assaulted him like nothing. Well, I did eye rape him. I couldn't just blame it on my teenage hormones, it had to be more than wacky hormones that had affected me like that. It couldn't be seeing Clark so clean for the first time, he wasn't different. Aside his creamy skin shining under my bedroom lights like a seductive minx.

        Clark refused to look at me, even when he knew I was looking at him. My mom had already passed out the bowls of goulash and I could feel my mouth watering, yet I knew my appetite would start to go away. With Clark mad at me, things felt different. This good deed turned into a complete nightmare.

        Oh my god, what am I saying?  I haven't even really known him for that long. Actually, I barely knew anything about him. How could I be falling for a guy I knew nothing about? I grumbled to myself and took a gigantic spoonful of my goulash. Why would I not eat, I'm a growing teenage boy, even if he is mad at me I won't chastise myself for it.

        "Why are you in different clothes?" Mr. Perry asked, and Clark fidgeted slightly.

        "I took a shower. Tyee let me clean up." Clark's eyes seemed to flick to me for a second before he looked away and picked up his fork. Even though it slightly pained me to someone's eyes hurt as they looked at me, I couldn't help but smile as he went to take a bite of his food.

        He wrapped his fist around his fork instead of holding it like a pencil, shakily bringing it to his mouth to get a bite of food. As soon as the food made contact with his mouth, he made a small sound of content; it honestly was a cute sight.

        Fuck me! Why do I keep thinking he's cute? He's not cute, he's... I couldn't think of another word to describe him.

        "Good, it's not nice to refuse a free shower," Mr. Perry chuckled. My mom's smile wavered a little, not knowing what to say to that, but I shook my head to her as a signal to just let it go. I felt bad that it was a thing most people had to deal with.

        "Th-this is so good, th-thank-"

         "Spit it out boy," Mr. Perry said firmly. Clark let out a small yelp, his hand shooting underneath the table. His father must have kicked him as punishment for stuttering and I raise my eyebrows at him. Did he really just do that? This man...

        "I'm sorry, I meant thank you Miss," Clark apologized to his father and thanked my mother. She smiled at him warmly, and he lowered his eyes from her face as if he offended her. Mom must have gotten the same vibes I did when i talked to his parents by the warey look she sported on her usually cool features..

        "Thank you, Clark. I'm happy you like it."

        Clark's POV

        I rubbed at my shin, pouting lowly as my eyes stayed at the table. After soothing my leg I rested my hand at my side, not sure what else to say. I was never good at making conversation, and I hated it. I hated it.

         I gazed up at Tyee, but he was still eating as if nothing happened in his room. Like he hadn't just lied to me. It confused me to no end, and no matter how much I thought about it, I didn't get it. Why do people lie, when they could just tell the truth. I'm not always the best at detecting lies but I had gotten that one. 

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