Author's Note

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©2021 Lorraine Tramain. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic methods, without the author's prior written permission. 

This book can only be found on Wattpad until further notice. 

Rated Mature - this book deals with several heavy themes, and is therefore only advised for mature audiences. Please see the list for further info. If you are not comfortable with any of the below mentioned, do not continue. 

Strong language - an occasional swear word, in several languages.
Violence and gore - the characters are at war with each other, so there will be several fights/battle scenes throughout the book, where people will get wounded, possibly lose a limb and/or die. Also features an execution by fire.
Psychological torture and manipulation - if an opponent cannot be brought down physically, expect trickery and lies to ensue.
Imprisonment - some characters are taken captive by others. Again, we are at war. All is fair.
Child endangerment - the children featured in the story will be in danger at some point, because of the actions of the adults. One character knowingly killed a child prior to the start of the story, while another death happens off screen.
Physical and emotional trauma - I do not go easy on my characters. They will experience things like loss of faith, loss of a loved-one, moral crossroads, jealousy, desire for revenge, reliving and facing actions from the past, etc.
Mention of rape - one character has been raped in the past, before the start of the story. It will be discussed, and there will be a brief attempt, but there are no actual rape scenes featured. The one that happens is offscreen, so only mentioned.
Mention of incest - a particular family featured in this book has been the centre of such rumours for centuries. So far, nothing has been confirmed by historians, but there is some evidence that may show it happened, and most books and movies/series also indulge in the idea of it. I have done the same, so there will be some scenes where a member of this family will say or think something that will make you go 'ick', but all mentioned is significant to the plot. Apart from one kiss, nothing actually happens. 
Explicit sexual content - there are five sex scenes over all, plus a few scenes where characters appear (half) nude. Detailed descriptions of actions and feelings. 


I have a very mild form of autism, and I need to have everything in a certain order or placement. I originally worked in a docx. and not on Wattpad (as I started my novel prior to joining and intend to publish it into an actual book through an agency) so it had to have the same format as in the original (or as close to), for me to accept it and for it to still make sense in my mind. If I see something I made in any other way as created, I block and my bad side is triggered.
This being said, I will not accept any comments on the spacing. There is no spacing in actual books/novels between paragraphs, so stop using this as an excuse to not read my book. This should not matter. You read a story because you want to learn the tale and get immersed in the author's world, not because of spacing. 

Keep this in mind. Please be respectful and thank you for understanding.

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