I n t e r v i e w with Alex and Annika

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'You have this extraordinary energy about you that consumes and calms me all at once.

And the way you dismantle my defenses and challenge me at every turn helps me become a stronger and more passionate person.

I feel capable of anything around you - you bring out my best self.'


In this chapter, we'll see both of our main characters answering a few questions which are as similar as giving an interview.

Annika seems excited about this while Alex couldn't care less. Let's go-

1- Who offers their jacket when the other one is cold?

"Alex does...even if he feels cold himself," Annika says narrowing her eyes at Alex. At which he just shrugs.

2- Who giggles uncontrollably when the other picks them up in the morning?

"Um actually both of us are grumpy when we wake up. He's super grumpy though." She whispers the last part bending towards the interviewer as if telling a secret.

He rolls his eyes and pulls her back possessively.

3- Who compliments the other one in front of everyone?

"He," Annika said pointing at Alex with a tiny blush on her cheeks.

"And you turn into a human tomato," Alex said the first time since he arrived here.

"Shut up." She says glaring at him as her face turns beet red.

4- Who is most likely to say a pun? What is the other's reaction?

"Me.....and he'll just have a blank expression, only his eyes showing an amused reaction at my bad attempt." She says sighing.

5- When one of them has a bad day, what does the other do to help cheer them up?

"She gives me loads of kisses and clings to me like a baby koala," Alex speaks up before Annika could as his eyes show how much he loves when this happens.

Annika gives a cheeky grin looking at him at which his lips twitch up.

"Oh, he is the cutest when I'm sad or down. He'll stay with me and wait until I tell him the problem. And gets me sweet things." She says the small smile never leaving her face.

6- What would each of you wear if the other one chooses your cloth for the day?

"She'll make me wear black clothes....and I do I wear dark clothes only but somehow she has an obsession with me wearing black" Alex says with a smirk as he stares down at Annika's new-forming blush.

"He'll make me wear dresses.....according to him I look like.....what?" she said looking into his eyes.

"A princess." he completes her sentence not breaking eye contact.

And here we go with the darkest shade of red covering Annika's face.

I swear the author/ interviewer feels like a third wheel here.

7- Who introduced their partner to their family first?

"Oh he did and I couldn't even give the best impression I wanted," Annika speaks squinting her eyes at him.

"She loves you anyway," Alex said shrugging.

8- When you sit side by side do you touch each other? For example- does one have their arm around the other, or you sit holding hands, etc.

"I don't think I can keep my hands off her," Alex said as Annika went to drink water.

"So yeah either sit holding hands or she rests her head on my shoulder," he says as his eyes follow her every movement.

9- Who likes to give the other hugs from behind, followed by a kiss?

"He," Annika says. "And soon it turns into a whole make out session." She said the last part and Alex whispers something into her ear and we get a sight of again the cute human tomato.

The author looks suspiciously at them.

10- Who's more protective?

"Again he," she said as Alex nodded accepting this.

"He almost punched a guy cause he was talking to me at the café."

"Sweetheart that's not called talking.....that was flirting," Alex says looking at her.

"Alright. Next question." She said avoiding Alex's words.

11- Who is more dominant?

Annika choked on air at this question and looked at Alex after stopping.

"Obviously he." She said.

Ah, we knew.

12- Who asks weird and complicated questions in the middle of the night?

"She does," Alex said pointing at Annika as she rolls her eyes.

13- Who gets jealous easier?

"The answer is again Alex....recently he..." She stopped as if she remembered something from that time.


"Stop being jealous," Annika says frustrated.

"You're calling that jealousy? Believe me, if you still use your legs, I'm not jealous." Alex said caging her between the wall and himself.


As if knowing what she is thinking about Alex speaks something lowly so that only she could hear.

14- Who makes the other blush all the time and finds it adorable?

"He does and I have no idea if it's adorable or not but making him blush is not easy," Annika speaks.

15- Who curses and who reprimands the other for it?

"I curse and she shows a look of disapproval for it," Alex said and Annika nods her head.

And both of them get up after answering the last question thanking the author/ interviewer for their time.

Now they are on their way to an ice cream parlor.

They are my favorite characters.


So that's it for today I think. I have no idea why this came up in my brain but I just wanted to do it and also the questions are from Pinterest.

Thank you so much for your time.

Make sure to give this different chapter a star if you liked it and the new chapter will be out soon.

See ya and take care.





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