Chapter Twenty-Three

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From what Luke remembered, he caused a huge explosion at the power plant. They were all injured, but he suffered the least. Seeing how Scarlett had been the worst of them all brought a sense of joy. Finally, an end to all the mockery and arrogance that he could never injure her.

Cindy had arrived and bopped her away, while Greyson had been left furious. That large pipe had been thrown at him, slamming him square against the wall. He had killed him because he ruined his plans. Luke had intended to throw the hammer at Jason, not the pipe.

Luke remembered waking up in that bush, where he had been granted his arm. "You're different from the others," Ashley had told him. "You are a follower, but you aren't exactly dead or alive."

It didn't make sense, but he got his noodle arm back when Esme and Cindy sliced it off. It left him conflicted, but he wanted it back. He desired to be able to purposefully harm them while still walking on the earth's surface. He didn't want to be some illusion, but someone more.

"You're like her," Ashley said.

He remembered she had shown him Teagan. It was the same girl he had killed, which didn't make any sense. He would've thought that those Simcoe people wouldn't be after killing them, especially since he killed her.

"The terror is coming," Ashley spat.

Luke enjoyed the terror he got to inflict on people. It was like how rabbits would get scared of him when he chased them with a lighter. The pleasure it brought out in him made him grasp for more.

"Are you sure it's a human?" Luke had asked, but Ashley gritted her teeth and appeared tense.

Luke didn't like the uncertainty Ashley had. Maybe he could purposely hurt her once he finished finding this human. That's why he had been searching for this person. Ashley could be rewarded with something because it needed someone to kill.

Luke knew he might be someone's slave, but he got to do something he enjoyed. With Greyson, it had been no different, but he got to punish people however he wanted. That's why being in the dark variety store that had one glowing lantern on the counter with an empty cash register, bare of money.

"Are you sure you can see us, Luke?" Esme's eager voice called.

"You'll be the first to go," he snarled. One of the racks shook as he rushed on the left side, using that arm to send the shelf flying against the wall.

"That was so cool. Why don't you do it again?" Esme snickered.

"Are you just going to hide behind shelves? It isn't that big here," he sneered.

"Might," Esme said as one of the other shelves shook.

Luke lurked with his arm twitching, which he found it did a lot lately. It could be because that stupid girl doesn't understand anything.

He whipped his arm, but it knocked over the shelf. Esme chuckled. "Missed me."

Luke gritted his teeth and ran at Angel. The boy wasn't doing anything, which gave him an opportunity. Using the noodle arm, he whipped it directly at the boy, causing him to scream. Esme rushed to him, but he stopped her before she got there.

He whipped her leg while she skidded across the floor as Luke stood over her. "You rush around like Tumbles," he sneered.

Esme jumped up, despite blood rushing down her leg. "Nope, you're just seeing things," she said, grinning. She rushed at him, holding out something. "Remember barbed wire? I keep it on hand."

Luke's body split into two pieces on the ground. He wasn't sure how that was possible, considering he should pop like those loser followers.

"Darn, I thought it would be in multiple pieces," Esme said, with a hand on her hip. She dove in front of him while he grinned, still able to use that noodle arm.

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