Chapter 4

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Author's POV....

It was Sunday and Sakshi and Meera did not need to go to work today. With her coffee, Sakshi sat on the couch at the corner of the living room just next to the window. A slow breeze stroked her body and today she felt somewhat good. To be honest, Sakshi has been feeling better ever since she started her therapy sessions with Mrs Malini. When you open up to someone and you get the feeling that they understand you could work wonders. Of course, all credit goes to Meera.

"Shall we go to the temple today?" Sakshi asked Meera cheerfully.

"Sure. Oh wait, you don't believe in God right? So why now?" Meera asked in confusion. She was still a little sceptical about her friend's decisions.

"Well, I have started believing again" Sakshi replied, rolling her eyes

"WEIRD" Meera muttered under her breath but Meera was secretly glad to see the changes in Sakshi.

After Sakshi's brother Vihan's death and her divorce from Nikhil, Sakshi had lost her faith in God but after having deep conversations with the doctor, her first advice to Sakshi was to make peace with the past and to go back to doing things Sakshi once enjoyed. That's when Sakshi remembered her bond with God back in the day and how much peace of mind she used to get after visiting the temple.

That day, for the first time in forever, Sakshi dressed in a simple blue saree with mirror work with a simple pink sleeveless blouse. Sakshi didn't bother with a necklace, instead she wore chunky earrings and a couple of bangles. She chose to tie her hair in a low bun and looked so elegant.

"Wow woah wow!" Meera said to Sakshi who was observing her reflection in the mirror and received a smile from her roommate.

"You look so pretty," Meera said to her friend "so glad you are making an effort to dress up now" Meera said, very happy with her friend's change of behaviour.

"Thank you, Meera. You are looking classy and beautiful as well" Sakshi complimented her friend back who was wearing a simple blue kurta.

Very soon Meera and Sakshi went in an auto-rickshaw to a well-known temple just outside of the city. Even though it was famous, the temple was located in a remote place. When they reached there, the temple was crowded by the media and people. Meera enquired to a lady nearby on why the temple was so crowded today, the lady said it was due to some film actors' visiting. After leaving their sandals outside, Meera and Sakshi entered the temple. The sound of devotional songs and the fragrance of various flowers welcomed them inside.

Somehow Meera and Sakshi managed to get some space at the front and from there they could see God's sculpture clearly. Sakshi closed her eyes and experienced the positive vibes as much as she could.

Dear God, I'm so sorry for distancing myself from you over the last couple of years. My situation and life experiences made me do that. I'm so sorry God. Please help me overcome my troubles, depression and thoughts about the past and move on. Please help my Shreya grow into a kind young girl, unlike her father and mother.

Sakshi gently opened her eyes when she felt someone nudging her. Sakshi looked at the guy who nudged her and she saw that he wasn't paying any attention to her but looking elsewhere. Sakshi looked back in God's direction and stared at the fire that was glowing in the lamps. Sakshi smiled when she felt that she got some peace and wiped away some tears before it fell out of her eyes.

"Were you crying, Sakshi?" Meera asked, with concern.

"No no!" Sakshi lied and to change the subject she suggested "Shall we go home now?" Sakshi asked to which Meera nodded

By now the temple seemed less busy. There were just a handful of people left in the temple but it was raining excessively. Meera and Sakshi were drenched in the rain.

"We should have told the auto-rickshaw driver to wait. It's hard to get transport here. My phone's out of charge as well to book a taxi" Sakshi said.

Meera tried to book the cab in different apps but no cab or auto-rickshaw was nearby.

"I guess we'll have to just ignore the rain and walk a bit until we see something," Meera said

So Meera and Sakshi walked for a bit till they saw a car coming down the road in their direction. Sakshi quickly held out her hand to ask them for a lift. To their luck, the car slowed down, a guy who looked as if he was in his late 20's lowered the window and looked at Meera and Sakshi with a puzzled expression.

It was the same guy who nudged her in the temple.

"Sir, could you please give us a lift to the bus or metro station? My mobile phone is out of charge and her phone doesn't have a network to book a transport, that's why. Please" Sakshi pleaded.

"Sorry my friend and I have to go somewhere in a hurry" the guy said arrogantly.

"Oh, alright. I'm sorry for holding you back. We will look for some other solution. Thank you for stopping the car" Sakshi said, with a hint of sarcasm.

"Aarav, the junction is on our way, let's give them a lift" the guy sitting next to him said and he then further added "please feel free to get in. It is raining very badly, we will drop you. Oh and by the way I am Keshav and this is my friend Aarav" the person introduced himself to Sakshi and Meera.

Aarav sighed heavily and shook his head as he didn't want the ladies in his car.

Hesitantly Meera and Sakshi got into the car. As soon as Meera closed the door, Aarav drove off. Every now and then Aarav peeped through the mirror at Sakshi. They both were drenched and the last thing Aarav wanted was his car seat getting wet but what to do if his highness Keshav wants to get some random lady's attention.

"It was on the forecast that It'd rain heavily today. Don't understand why people don't think about carrying an umbrella" Aarav said, taking a dig at Sakshi and Meera.

Sakshi looked at Meera feeling annoyed, but Meera just closed her eyes indicating Sakshi ignored him.

"What are your names, girls?" Keshav asked them, trying to lift the awkward tension Aarav caused and also intending to flirt with them.

"I'm Meera and this is my friend Sakshi," Meera said

"Oh cool. I am Keshav and this is Aarav, my friend" Keshav said with enthusiasm.

"Yes, you did mention that" Meera said, to which Keshav nodded

"So are you girls studying or working?" Keshav asked curiously.

"We are both working in an insurance company," Sakshi replied this time.

"Oh, that is nice. We're both tuition teachers. We work in Kumar's tuition centre" Keshav replied, only to get a frustrated look from Aarav.

"Oh that's great" Meera replied again.

Aarav was getting annoyed with Keshav, especially when he introduced Aarav as a tuition teacher because of how Aarav was not satisfied with his job.

"Right, please tell me where is your house/flat as I don't want to drop you two in the middle of a junction" Aarav asked coldly.

"You can drop us here itself, sir. We will get a taxi from here" Sakshi replied.

"When have I taught you? In which school?" Aarav asked "Call me Aarav"

"Sorry, Aarav. You can drop us here" Sakshi replied looking puzzled by his bipolar attitude.

"In the middle of the road? Will you pay for my car's expenses if something happens? If you will, then okay" Aarav said

"Aarav, stop it" Keshav warned Aarav.

"I didn't mean it that way," Sakshi said.

"Then tell me your address. I am not a creep. I won't come after you after this. My parents have taught me to help women especially when it's raining and bad things could happen. I don't want that guilt!" Aarav said, trying to sound polite and was a little successful.

'What the hell is wrong with this idiot?' Sakshi thought to herself but gave her address anyway.

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