Chapter 19

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Keshav's POV 

What came next shook me to the core...

"I am your Meera Keshav", I heard Meera muttering under her breath. 

"What?" I asked, not quite understanding what she meant 

This time in a higher tone Meera in extreme confidence stated that she was the Meera I had met via the matrimonial site. 

"What the fuck?" I screamed not bothering it was the temple. Of course I received the ugly stares from the uncles and aunties, a few even scolded me and asked me to get out of the temple. To avoid making a scene I grabbed Meera by her hands and dragged her across till we were out of the temple premises. During this process Meera's heart pounded like crazy! She was not getting the expected reacted from the person she genuinely loved. 

"Right spit it out!!" Keshav screamed 

Mustering the little courage Meera had left Meera managed to narrate the whole story from the beginning. 

After processing every little detail that came from Meera's mouth Keshav knelt down onto the bare ground and simply cried. Keshav couldn't believe how badly he was betrayed by the person who Keshav thought loved him. The sight of Keshav crying was a bit too much for Meera, not in Meera' wildest dreams she expected to get a response such as this from Keshav.

Slowly Meera knelt down beside Keshav and tried to comfort Keshav in anger Keshav pushed Meera away. 

"After crossing all the boundaries and breaking my heart where did you get the audacity to touch me?" Keshav asked in anger tightening his fists and pushing Meera away. "When trust is broken a sorry means nothing Meera!!! Didn't you make me a fool Meera all these days? What was I too you a joker?" Keshav asked in an extremely broken state. 

"I'm sorry Keshav" Meera said in an equally broken state as Keshav. 

"Clearly you aren't sorry. If you were sorry you would have confessed to me earlier. This was a time-pass for you, in one way or another it was your cruel revenge wasn't it?" Keshav questioned Meera with red, puffy eyes. 

"Keshav please don't hurt me like this!  I only intended a unique love story and a beautiful surprise" Meera said folding her hands and crying her heart out. 

"Fuck you and your bloody acting!" Keshav said and left the spot instantly.

End of Flashback 

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