Chapter 14

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Aarav's POV

It has been one week since the horrendous incident, I am still struggling to accept the reality. It breaks my heart whenever someone mentions to me the attack. The four criminals are currently remanded in the custody till the trials. The names of the accused are Ram, Pawan, Sunil, and Mukesh. Ram is a 19-year-old engineering student, and Pawan is a 45-year-old goon who has involvement with the drug mafia. Sunil is a 35-year-old taxi driver and finally, Mukesh is a 32-year-old salesman. Most of them who are accused have a family and children, honestly, I have no idea what goes in inside those bastards' minds but one thing I am confident is that they aren't humans but some other nasty type of species. Wish and pray that the four of them rot in hell. 

 When I explained my situation to my employer Mr Kumar  extended my leave to another four weeks. I was extremely thankful to Mr Kumar who I believed had no compassion. By 8:15 I was ready and through with my morning prayers for my Sakshi, last night Keshav offered to stay as the bystander in the hospital. He must be extremely tired now after spending the whole night there therefore, I'm going to the hospital to relive Keshav. Meera was accompanying me today to the hospital as well, so we set of at 8:30 and reached the hospital by 9:00. On the ICU floor I saw Keshav half asleep in a corner chair in the hall. Me and Meera straightaway went to him.

"Morning Keshav" I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. Keshav slowly woke up and looked up. He was tired and I could sleep in his eyes.

"Morning Aarav and Meera" Keshav said, getting up from his seat.

"Did the doctor see Sakshi?" I asked 

"No. He'll be coming for rounds in half and hours time"

"Ok Keshav. You go home and take rest, I will call you if an emergency arises" I told Keshav to which he agreed and soon left. Once he had left me and Meera occupied the vacant chairs. The ICU door in front of us was scaring me an awful lot, to distract my attention I started looking at the people around me. Some were talking to their dear ones on the mobile phones, some were chanting prayers whilst wiping their tears and some were talking to their dear ones on the mobile phone. Deep in their eyes was a fear they were fighting against. So much was happening around me. Every few minutes the elevator door opened to take patients in and out of the department. This was a very different atmosphere for me or, probably, for everyone on this floor. 

Half an hour later I saw Sakshi's mother slowly walking towards us. The lady looked a lot more pale and thinner over the span of seven days. Slowly I stood up and greeted Sakshi's mother. "Aarav has the doctor seen Sakshi today?" she asked me. "The doctor's just gone in for his rounds. Hope we will get some information once he finishes." Exactly ten minutes later (yes I counted) the doctor came out and asked us to see him in his office. So we followed Dr Arjit to his office. 

"Please take a seat" Dr Arjit politely asked us. Me, Meera and Damini aunty slowly took a seat and waited patiently for the doctor to start speaking. 

"I don't want to hurt you all any further but I have no choice other than to inform you about Sakshi's condition." Dr Arjit began.

"What is it doctor?" Me and Meera asked in unison, we had started panicking.

"There has been no improvement to Sakshi's condition over the last seven days. As you all know Sakshi is breathing with the help of life support, after having a discussion with the lead specialists we think it will be beneficial if Sakshi is transferred to the City Hospital in Chennai. As a hospital there is nothing else we're able to do. However, City Hospital is a lot more advanced therefore improvement may be seen in Sakshi's condition if she's transferred. Even though it is beneficial transferring her will involve many risks, taking the patient out from the atmosphere of a protected ICU into the open air full of bacteria and viruses does involve a lot of risk but personally I think it is better if we transfer.  This is just our opinion however, the final decision will be yours" Dr Arjit said.

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