breakfast bonds

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*knock knock knock*

ama reluctantly got up put of her bed. it couldn't have been the cleaners, it was too early. she opened the door and saw a familiar face.

he was a bit taken aback as she had answered the door in a sports bra and blue plaid shorts, ama realised and felt a bit embarrassed but he got his message across anyways,trying to focus on her face.

"hey... or morning, um me and reiss are booking transport to leave for merky festival, wanted to know if you would want to come with us ... and save money and time?"

ama could smell his nervousness, she had noticed he was always kind of nervous when he was around her like he had something to say but couldn't get it out. nevertheless she accepted the offer.


she was about to turn to close the door when

"im about to go eat breakfast and reiss isn't getting up and you're up now, so i was wondering if you wanted to go and eat...breakfast...well you and lauren"

ama looked past jadon and at the door behind him. it was lauren's room and ama doubted she would be awake she was a very deep sleeper and she had a noisy snore - one of the reasons they're in separate rooms.

"umm...ok...yeah sure, give, actually i dont know how long i'll take, if you give me your number i can call you when im done"

jadon's eyebrows raised but he quickly lowered them so ama wouldn't think he was getting too excited. as he was typing his number in her phone, she got a message from a boy. he had a heart next do his name, jadon tried not to deep it for all he new it could be a cousin, colleague or gay best friend.


"thanks, i'll see you but it probably won't be soon and lauren might not be there, i think i can here her snoring and im scared she'll bite my a off if I wake her up too early"

"oh! that's fine, it can be just us i guess"


he flashed her a quick smile.

she smiled back and went to close her door.

he turned his head and started walking to the elevator. he shoved his hands in his pockets as a large grin formed on his face he was finally getting to talk to her about stuff, and how he was sorry.

35 minutes later...

*incoming call*
+44 74 967 514

"uhh hey ama"

"nah man, this ain't ama, but you need to stay away from her"

"what do you mean?!, who are you?!"

" don't worry about that, but stay away from her she's got a boyfrie—"

jadon cut the call he didn't let that rando have the satisfaction of finishing that sentence. he was vexed but at the same time it could be a prank call and not be true but it could also be the guy that was messaging ama when he was putting his number in her phone. he didn't want to think she had a boyfriend - was it so crazy she had moved on? i mean maybe that's why she was taking to jadon in the first place, she had found someone that made her happy.

jadon could feel a tear forming in his left eye but he quickly sucked it on when he got another call

*incoming call*
+ 44 7483 880 818

this time he let the person on the other line talk first.

"hi, uhh im ready if you wanna go and eat"

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