i reckon(cile)

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ama only spent a week in nigeria,  she was always going to stay a week and she knew that - she had only packed for a week.

she said goodbye to her brother and made her way home. when she got to london she decided to just go to jadon's house and patch things up, as much as she wanted to stay mad at him she couldn't.

one of jadon's car wasn't in the driveway, maybe he went to go get it fixed. she used her key and went in, there was no one home. he should have been home, united had there last match two days ago, they would've flown back yesterday - no way he could've come back and gone out, he was usually pretty lazy when he wasn't playing football. she decided to sit down and wait, she'd dropped jordan off at her mums so she could have this discussion with jadon.


jadon had driven to ama house, tolani had told him that's she'd be home today, so he wanted to meet her at the apartment she was staying at. he'd just come back from australia yesterday and was still jet lagged, but he figured he'd catch her as she came in to increase the chances of her letting him into the flat to talk.

they both waited where they thought each other would be for hours. it started to get really dark, jadon thought that ama had told tolani to lie to him and that she wasn't coming back today. he got in his car and drove from her apartment to his house - their house.

ama thought he was out, probably partying, doing something stupid. she wondered why she even came, was he even going to change if she took him back. she thought it was best she left - before he came into the house with two women on either side of him.

when she got into her car, there was one pulling into the driveway, it looked like the one missing from the driveway.

jadon pulled into the driveway and ama's car was in the driveway. he didn't believe it at first, he thought the jet lag and the dark was making him hallucinate, until the car door opened and ama came out. he quickly parked and got out of the car. he still stood next to his car, weary bit could be someone else.


it was her it sounded like her it looked like her, it was ama. they walked towards each other, the sound of their footsteps was the only thing heard for miles around. they both stopped when they were only centimetres away from each other. they locked eye contact and didn't break it, trying to read each other's minds, trying to make the other one crack first. the wind was blowing, pushing ama's hair infront of her, so much so, that it touched the jumper that jadon was wearing - the first bit of contact they'd had with each other in weeks.

there was a brief pause between them, no words or actions just the feeling of being of each other's presence. there was warm energy, a homely energy, that everything felt just right, like putting the last piece of a puzzle or the last brush strike on a painting.

it seemed jadon couldn't take the intense staring contest. he just gave her a hug, he didn't say anything. he just hugged her.

ama kinda just stood there, she didn't hug him back initially.

"im sorry"

she took her hands on his and removed them from around her and let go of him. he looked surprised. maybe he was too used to giving half-hearted apologies, and not actually saying or understanding what he was sorry for. and just conditioned himself to the idea that she'd always take him back.

now she refused to look him in the eye, it seemed she was waiting for a proper apology, she had her car keys in her hand her finger on the unlock button if he failed to properly apologise.

"im sorry, im sorry for what happened, im sorry for making you cry, when i saw you in the restaurant five years ago it just reminded me what i had lost, and now im on the verge of loosing you again. these past five years have been the best years of my life, i play for one of the biggest teams in the world, i've been able to travel and i have a beautiful son, and a beautiful girlfriend. you've been there since we met in the cages 12 years ago and to be able to share this journey with you, and now play at the same club as you is something out of a fairytale"

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