Vol 1. Ch 4 - The First Girl

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Deku looked at Momo's state and became more aroused.  He wanted to restart what he did to Momo first before advancing, he didn’t want to leave Momo dumb forever.

Wiping off the juice that sprayed on his face, Deku then commanded “Momo, Back to normal."
At his command, the dazed Momo turned back to her original state. She realizes what just happened and tried to cover up her body.

“WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME DEKU!” Her voice brought some sense back Deku, causing him to panic.

“shhhh. Not so loud, I can explain, I can explain.” A desperate attempt he made to defuse the situation.


I think you should calm down" Using his quirk as a last ditch effort, Deku finally got Momo to stop screaming.

Although she settled down, Momo was still furious at Deku for what he did to her. Using the blanket she grabbed on her bed, She made a makeshift towel to cover herself.

“Get out of my room Deku, we’ll talk about what you did after I change. Understand?”

Deku would’ve followed her orders but because of his newfound power, he decided to use that instead. “If I remember correctly, I think it’s normal for me to see you naked.”

“Oh right, I forgot. In that case stay right where you are. Don’t leave my line of sight for even a second.” Still angry at Deku

“Wouldn’t even think about it."

“I mean it Deku!” Her remarks made him laughed.

In her annoyance, she rolled her eyes and let out a sigh. Momo dropped her blanket on the floor, exposing everything for Deku to see.

She stripped off her sweat filled pajamas for new ones, this time she went for a sky blue color. As she try to put on her matching white underwear, Deku was still sitting across the room observing her change.

“Do you need help in putting that on?, I can see you have a hard time trying to put the clip on your back." He offered, whether out of good intention or not is unknown.

“I think I made myself clear earlier, just stay there and wait for me to change. Don’t you dare move an inch"

“Just trying to help." He replied.

After minutes have passed Momo was finally dressed in her tight fit pajamas. The figure of her body can be clearly seen due to the size of her clothes.

“I need to buy more pajamas…” She muttered.  “But anyways, now that I am done. It’s time for you to explain yourself Izuku Midoriya.”

“I would but I don’t have too.” Deku refuted

“And what do you mean by that?”

“Well it’s because, uhm…” He paused briefly to think but then inspiration hit him. “…it’s because I think you said you wanted to be watched while doing it."

Momo’s furrowed eyebrows lined up, her frown became a flustered smile. The head that was once red full of anger was now red for a different reason. She avoided eye contact and tried to hide her tomato coloured face with her hand.

Deku lets out a sigh of relief once he knew it worked. “Did you forget how you requested for me to stay?”

“I… Yes, I did forget.” Momo was dumbfounded, how could she have forgotten something like that. “I’m sorry… for you know, screaming at you earlier.”

“Apology accepted.”

“Then if it’s alright with you, do you still want to continue our lecture? I think I’m feeling better now.” She kindly offered.

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