Vol 3. Epilogue - Carried To Bed

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"Are... you guys... done yet?" The sleep deprived Uraraka asked. Her head was resting on her hand as she slouched from her desk. Her eyes bags were darkened as she yawned.

Deku didn't answer right away. He was still too tired to even utter a single word. Instead, Hagakure answered for him. "Yep, we're finish... you can stop watching us and sleep in my room now."

"Uuuuugh. Finally." She groaned.

Uraraka lazily stood up from her chair. Her every blink became much heavier than the last. She scratched her tired eyes and left the room, leaving the door wide open.

She faded in the darkness of the halls and went towards Hagakure's room just like they agreed. Once she was there, the door echoed a creak. When Uraraka finally closed the door, she went straight to the clean bed and slept.

"Finally... sweet... soft... bed..." She fell asleep almost immediately when her head rested upon the cold and comfortable pillow.

Back at Uraraka' room. It was mostly still the same. The room smelled like fish, and the bed was still stained. Mina and Hagakure were still resting along with Izuku who was with them.

"Hey Deku... can you stand?" Mina asked.

"Yeah, in a bit. Why?"

"I'm too tired... so lift me up to my room please."

"I'm also tired. So, no." He quickly rejected.

She didn't stop pestering him. Mina repeated over and over again that she can't stand up. She say that her thighs still felt like gelatin even as she laid down on the bed.

"You're honestly acting like a child right now." Hagakure spouted.

Here we go again. Deku instinctively thought. He knows that this will just end up in a shouting contest again, so he already braced himself for the worse. But that turns out to be unneeded.

"Don't lie to me. You also want to be carried bridal style like Jirou."

A cute giggle came out of Mina. Hagakure caught red handed turns her head around the opposite direction and pouted. Deku honestly felt like the scene was from a manga.

"My body feels light right now. So why can't we all just walk back together?" Deku pitched but was quickly turned down.

"Not gonna happen lover boy. Our legs feel like noodles so take responsibility."

Already set up in a losing argument. He just obliged with their demands. He stood up from the bed and picked up his clothes. He wouldn't want to walk around naked, so he dressed himself.

"Me, first." Mina stretched out her hands.

He sighed but reassured himself that it would be pointless. He grabbed her hand and swooped her from the bed. Deku still had some strength left to spare to do the bridal carry. Mina felt immensely heavier than Jirou but his mother taught him to not talk about a woman's weight, so he didn't want to make that same mistake again.

"This is surprisingly exciting." She said.

"Off we go then. You sure you don't want anything to cover yourself up?"

"Come on. Where's your sense of adventure, plus it's already pass midnight so I wouldn't worry." Mina said confidently.

Deku wasn't going to argue with her logic so why not he thought. Her room is close so it wouldn't be a problem.

"Let's go." As he said that, the Deku express was fully going.

Mina latched onto Deku, in fear of falling off. Her head rested on his chest, letting her hear his heartbeat pounding. It was a small trip so Deku was already at her door. He struggled to open in for a bit but eventually managed to open it with the help of Mina.

"Let me get that for you." Using her free hand, she twisted the knob and push the door open.

Deku entered right in and placed Mina on the bed. When the deed was done, he was about to leave. Until a certain someone catcalled him. "Leaving me already?"

"Mina, please. I'm too tired to continue." He said in disappointment.

"I know. So how about a kiss for goodbye?"

It was simple enough. Small peck then that was the end of it. "Fine..."

"Hehe, I knew you couldn't resist."

Deku rolled his eyes and stepped closer to her bed. He was going to kiss her on the forehead but was greatly surprised when she initiated it first. Though he was weirded out by her placement of a smooch.

"Uhm... Why did you kiss me on the neck?" He asked innocently.

She stopped once she was done before answering back. "It's nothing, don't worry about it." She laughed. "You can go out now. I'm gonna get... some sleep..."

Even though Deku was still suspicious off her, he just shrugs it off. He didn't want to do anymore unnecessary things so he did what was told. He said goodnight and closed the doors.

"Now time for Hagakure..."

Walking back to room, he saw the floating school uniform still laying back on the stained bed. "That was quick. Is it my turn now?"

"Just a sec"

Wind blew inside the room. It flung the curtains up in the air. Deku walked up and grabbed the handle. He closed the windows the was letting out the cold air and then went back to Hagakure.

"All done. Now let's hurry up." Wanting to hasten the lift off. "You know the drill so give me your hand."

He gave her his palm. He stretched it out to her and waited for her to touch her hand. Since it was impossible to judge the length of her arm by looks alone due to her quirk, so he had to wait for hers instead. She grabbed it and was now being slowly lifted by Deku.

"Thank you by the way. My legs really does feel weak."

"Don't worry, I was the one that made it like that anyways. So think of this like a way to pay you back." He gestured.

She embraced him as he carried her even closer. He closed the door to Uraraka's place and walked over to Hagakure's respective room. It was an uneventful walk although not for the person that was currently getting carried. She noticed something. "Wait..."

Hagakure eyed on Deku's neck. She squinted her eyes and discovered what it was. "Tch. That scheming bitch..." She muttered.

"Hmm? You said something?"

If Mina got to do it, why can't she? Hagakure thought. It was only right for her to get in on it too.

"I wanted to have a kiss for goodbye before you leave." She insisted.

"You too, huh... Well, I guess you can." And just like that she kissed him. Though it was the same spot as before. Right on Deku's neck.

He really didn't know what was going on or what it meant so he didn't stop it. He just let it continue like normal until Hagakure was left satisfied.

"Hehe, Mines even redder..."

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing. Never mind that but hey We're right outside of my room." She pointed out. Deku quietly opened the door. He didn't want to wake up his girlfriend. Deku found the extra futon under the bed and laid Hagakure down.

"I'll see you tomorrow Midoriya. Goodnight."

"Goodnight too Hagakure." He said closing the door.

Finally done with all that, Deku can finally be the one to rest. It was a trivial end by putting them all to bed like babies but he wasn't going to complain. Deku had a fun night with them in bed, he sure was hell that wasn't going to end. So why stop the good thing that he has.

"My god that took a toll on me." Currently he was now exhausted and needed to take a small rest for going up the stairs. But after the rest he continued back up top and reach his floor. He walked down the darkened hallways and opened his door. He didn't open his lights since he was going straight to bed.

He didn't change clothes or take off any due to his energy being depleted by the girls. He collapsed straight to his bed and hugged his pillow. His mind drifted into darkness as he muttered. "I'm gonna do more... tomorrow..."

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