Vol 1. S.S - Secrets

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Waking up from my nap, I looked at the window and saw the sun slowly setting. I guessed the time to be exactly around the range of 5:30 pm – 6:00 pm.

"Shit I fainted again..."

Looking down on my bed, I saw that I was half naked sleeping next to my used 'toys' again.

"It's a good thing I locked my room." I whispered to myself.

I got up and grabbed the 'toys', putting them in the usual hiding spot. After that I looked at my mirror almost forgetting that I am buck naked at the bottom.

Grabbing the dirty shorts and panties on the bed, I tossed them in the laundry basket.

"Now that I think about it, I should also change what I'm wearing." Not wanting anyone to find out about what I did.

I took off my shirt and bra, tossing them along the pile. Walking up to my closet, I picked a pair of matching pink underwear. Putting them on, I noticed that my panty had gotten harder to fit.

"I need to go on a diet..." I pouted. Snatching a comfortable shirt and shorts, I put them on and got out of my stuffy room.

"Does the supermarket sell prepack salad?" I wondered as I locked my room.

Interrupted by the elevator ding. I turned around and saw Momo hazily walked out. The door closed and behind her and went down.

"Good afternoon Momo." I greeted but it seems she was too tired to even pay back the gesture.

She just walked pass by me and went to her room. I wondered what made her tired but that was none of my business. I pressed the button, waiting for the elevator to go back up again.

The door opened and I saw Jirou finicking to scour the hallways.

"How's it going... Jirou?"

"Wait, did someone used the elevator before me?" I got confused. Was she waiting for someone?

I said yes and told her Momo got out before her and she became even more surprised.

"Eh, Momo got out?"

"Why, what's wrong?" Having enough of being clueless, I decided to ask her what's going on.

"Uh, Well... I called for the elevator and noticed that it was on the 3rd floor, I disregarded it as one of our classmates used it to get up to that floor." She whispered to me. I asked her to continue.

"Then it stopped at the girl's dorm floor and I just figured that someone was also using the elevator there. But when it went down and saw that no one was riding it..."

"You assumed that one of the boy's went to this floor, right?" Guessing exactly what she thought. She nodded.

"So Momo came from the Boy's dorm room." That is weird. The last time I checked, she doesn't seem to be the person to lurk around there.

"You want to go ask Momo on why she was on the 3rd floor, Mina?"

"Nah, She looked liked she would collapse any second when she walked into her room." It sounded like an exaggeration but it is simply the truth. She really did look like that.

"Then, I guess we should investigate the upper floor then."

I thought about it and agreed to it. What can I say, curiosity got the best of me. We both hopped on the elevator and went up. When the it was finished moving, the doors slid opened and we set foot on the Boy's Dormitory.

"We should split up, I'll go knock this side of the doors, you knock the other side. Okay, Jirou?" She gave a thumbs up and began knocking.

After a couple of doors later, it looks like none of them were inside their rooms.

"I guess no one is here too." That was the final door.

"Wait, I have an idea." Jirou suddenly stuck her ear jacks on the walls.

"Oh, are you trying to us-"

"Shhhh, quiet down." I got embarrassed and said sorry. It looks like she is concentrating really hard.

"I hear snoring coming from... Deku's roon." She added more. "It looks like he is the only one on this floor."

"Eh? Does that mean he and Momo are..." We silently looked at each other, thinking the exact same thing.

"Poor Uraraka..." I muttered.

"Wait, wait, wait let's not jump to any conclusions just yet" she quietly stated.

"Why? I think it's obvious what happened, or to be specific, what went down." Giving her a smug smile of innuendo.

Jirou blushed and became redder than an apple. "No way... M-Momo wouldn't do that..."

"Then again, it's not like we are that close to her..." She reasoned.

"Well, if you're still set on confirming it, ask Deku. He doesn't seem to be the type to lie about it. I think he would give an honest answer, probably." I gave her some advice.

"I guess you're right..." Jirou mumbled.

"Come on, let's get out of here. I want to buy something at the supermarket." I grabbed her hand and walked towards the elevator.

"Off we go." I said in a playful tone.

"Yeah, yeah, alright." She replied.

When it got up, we got in and pressed the button for the ground floor. While on the elevator, I couldn't help but think of when did those 2 got together. It's not like they showed any interest in each other in the past, so what the heck happened between the 2 of them?

Although who am I to judge, it's none of my business anyways. We all have secrets we try to hide from others, and I'm no exception.

AN - That's it for this week probably. 

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