Vol 3. Ch 1 - Paralyzed

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Deku felt the weight her body on his back. He desperately struggled to escape but to no avail, he tried to wriggle one last time but his futile attempt was met with a violent stab at his calves.

"Aaugh!" He screamed in pain.

"Hush now, it'll be over in a second."

"What the heck are you do-AAAACHK" Deku's legs hardened. Every fiber of his muscles was tightened, cramping all over.

Toga detaches the object and threw it on the ground shattering it. It already did its purpose and was no longer needed. The object that she had used was a syringe. Using this syringe, she injected something unto Deku causing the severe aching on his legs.

"...what... WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!"

"It was nothing serious, just a small dosage to make sure you wouldn't run away from little o'l me." She said teasingly.

Deku felt the paralyzation has been spreading through his body. Slowly but surely, it crept closer and closer to the top. He wasn't sure if he would die or just be left helpless to this villain's grasp but regardless of that, Deku was thinking of a way to escape and call for help.

He thought about his choices. He can't run since his legs aren't working, he can't fight since his hands were tied back. The only thing he could do was scream but she might just knock him out to avoid getting caught. There was nothing he could have done, at the moment.

Irritated at his condition, he vents his frustrations through his head and the ground "God Dammit!".

A thud sound emitted from the earth beneath him. Because of the force of the impact, it brazed Deku's forehead. Although, the pain from his head cannot compare to the anger that he feels at that moment but the scratches can still be felt.

"FUCK THAT HURTS" Deku reacted.

"Come on Izuku, it's rude to be noisy when someone's trying to make a phone call." She pouted.

The ringtone of her phone echoed in Deku's mind. He wishes he could do something. He wishes he could feel his legs. He wishes he could escape but none of the wishes came true. All he could think about was to bang his head in defeat.

"...wait..." Deku whispered.

He stared at the ground and then his surroundings. The two of them were covered in trees, the thick forest like grove hid them from outsider's vision. After that he turned his head to look at the girl who was talking to her phone. Deku looked back at the earth in front of him and thought "It's all or nothing".

Deku lifted his head as high as he could and readied himself "This is going to hurt..."

"Hold on for a moment." Toga blocked the speaker of her cellphone and checked looked down on him.

"Oy, what are yo-"

At a moment's notice, green lightning surrounded his body and he started to glow. Deku needed to be quick or else she would've caught his plan.

"One For All..."

Toga's eyes widened. She didn't expect Izuku to do such a thing, it was already too late for her to stop him. All she could do now was to run. To run away as far as possible from the upcoming rumble.

"SMAAAAAAAAASH!!!" Deku screamed with all his might.

His head banged the ground at full force. The crust beneath them crumbled and cratered. The trees were unrooted from the blast alongside Toga who tried to escape the vicinity of the zone Deku had created. Winds flew upwards surrounding the impact, just as if white walls were used to cover it up. The sheer force that it released flew Deku up on the air.

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