Vol 3. S.S. - Preparation

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The door was locked by the owner. The bedroom was occupied by three girls, who has just kicked out Deku.

"Let's get dressed ladies, tonight is going to be a big night for us." Mina added an emphasis on the word big.

"I'll get the makeup!" The invisible girl excitedly dashed to get the cosmetics.

Hagakure has moved from the bed to Mina's desk. There was a compartment underneath it so she opened the drawer. It was filled with face brushes, eye liner, hair clips, lipstick of different colors, lip balm, and mascara. There was a lot more than what was said but even so, Hagakure grabbed all of it and laid it on the bed.

She turned around to see the 2 messing about in Mina's closet. Scavenging for what seems like lingerie. "I can't seem to find it."

"Find what?" Jirou asked.

"Well, if I remember correctly. It's color blue, or dark blue maybe? I know it was a pair that I bought before coming to the dorms so the packaging is still intact." They continued to search the pile. Throwing away the unnecessary clothes on the floor as they reach the bottom.

Jirou notices the sound of plastic being rustled. "Maybe that was it."

Focusing on the sound, she followed where the rustling was louder as they search. When she reached underneath the pile of clothes at the lower left corner, she grabbed something and pulled it out.

"There it is! Thank you!" Mina screamed. As soon as she saw the wrappings, her memories instantly remember the looks of the lingerie. What Jirou had pulled was exactly as she remembered it.

"What does it look like?" Asked by Hagakure.

"Don't worry, I'll show you." Mina giggled. She began to undress herself until she was naked. The girls could see all of her arches and inches. Her body was envied by others including Jirou.

Mina opened the package and brought out the blue lingerie. She first wore the seductive panties. She bends her body and showed off her pussy and ass to the girls as she pulled it up. The undergarment wrapped around her plump ass making it a perfect fit.

Next up was to wear the bra. She slipped it in her shoulder and found it very difficult to put her arms around. The heart shaped hole on the lingerie showed her maroon-colored nipples for display. She twirled around the mirror to pose and liked what she saw. Mina was now satisfied with her looks.

"You look great Mina!" Hagakure complimented.

Mina thanked her and got embarrassed a bit. "Now that I'm finished, let's find something for the 2 of you girls to wear."

They scoured the pile to looks for some clothes. Mina had a lot of lingerie ranging from pure up to obscene. Hagakure wore almost all of them but due to her quirk, it wasn't seductive to their eyes. To them, it just looks like a bunch of floating underwear.

"This ain't going to work..." Mina felt.

"Maybe we're looking for the wrong set of clothes."

Jirou's idea has quickly captured the minds of the two.

"What do you mean by that?" Hagakure asked.

"What I mean is that it's probably best if you didn't wear this type of lingerie. There are other ways to look attractive without these sexy garments. For example, what if you were a Chinese dress or a maid costume." She explained deliberately.

"So, cosplay?"

"Basically like that." She replied.

"One problem though. I don't have those pieces of clothes. We already tried the animal prints but they still didn't look sexy enough for Hagakure." Mina added.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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