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"flushed cheeks"

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I was back on the sofa, leg bouncing as I waited for Jillian to be done putting Ollie to bed. It had been twenty minutes since she had gotten back but keeping in mind what she had said about the boy when we had run into each other at the grocery store, I was expecting it to take some time. Taking a sip of water, I checked my phone. 1 message.


I'm going to be working late tonight. Don't wait up for me, okay?

I love you!

I felt a smile sneaking its way onto my face as I replied back that I loved her too and that I would probably be awake when she got home, anyways, because I had an assignment due. Her response was quick.


Okay, sweetie. Don't forget to eat!

"Sorry," Jill said as she walked into the living room.

I looked up, mouth dry. Her hair was mussed, falling from the ponytail she must have put it in sometime while she worked, and the little eye makeup she had on was smudged at the corners of her eyes. But she still looked breathtaking. I simply nodded at her, taking another sip of water.

"How was he?"

I cleared my throat, hands coming up to fiddle with the bag strap settled across my chest. "He was good." I mumbled. "We ate, picked up, watched Dinosaur Train, then he took his bath."

Jill nodded, and silence filled the room. I shifted in my seat before standing, fingers clutching the strap of my bag. I rocked on my heels. I could feel my shoulders hitching up towards my ears. A tightness taking residence in my throat and mouth drying.

"I should go now," I said softly.

"Just a moment, Kody." She said softly. I looked at her through my bangs, watching as she slipped out of her shoes and laid her cardigan across the arm of the sofa furthest from me. She stood there, shoulders hunched in the slightest and hand coming up to push a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I wanted to ask if you would maybe want to...go on a—on a date with me."

"I—" my tongue poked out to wet my lower lip, fingers tugging the sleeves of my cardigan over my fingers and gripping the fabric. I felt too warm, heart hammering in my chest. Clearing my throat I mumbled, "Yeah."

Jillian's face lit up with a grin, highlighting the rosiness of her cheeks. "I—" a small giggle fell from her lips. "Okay. I'll, uh, text you with the details later, okay? I don't really know when I'm free next, and you really need to get home before it gets too late."

Her words caused the warmth in my cheeks to become worse, but a small smile made its way onto my face. Giving her a wave, arm still close to my body, I opened the front door and left.

° ° °

A couple of days passed before Jillian messaged me with the details of our date. I was in class when I heard my phone vibrate in my bag, and I did not get around to being able to read it until I was walking to the café for lunch. I should not have worn a sweater that day. It was far too warm for it, being sunny and far warmer than the week before. But with what had happened at Jill's apartment, I felt the need for the extra comfort that only thick, full coverage fabrics could bring me. Paired with a plaid skirt and boots, though, it was cool enough that I did not feel uncomfortable or sick.

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