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"Flushed Cheeks"

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I loved going to the grocery store just as much as I loathed it. However, going at night and going to the one I worked at seemed to make the process easier. There were not many people willing to shop after dark, and I knew those who were working the registers, which meant less problems for me. I had put it off for far too long this time, though. I had finished off the last of my food—a can of peaches—just the hour previous and could not wait any longer, especially considering my stomach had begun to grumble once more not too long ago. So much so, in fact, that my eyes would not stop straying to the premade sandwich sitting in the basket.

I was looking at the non-dairy ice creams, debating whether I should treat myself for getting through the long week relatively unscathed. I decided, or maybe my stomach did, that yes, I should, and opened the freezer door to grab the mocha almond fudge bars, tiptoeing to get the box pushed all the way at the back. I threw the dessert into the basket and moved down the aisle towards the registers.

I was stopped in my tracks, however, when someone called my name. My body froze up and my head whipped around to look behind me. I was surprised I did not damage anything, and my heart stopped in my chest.


She looked just as good she did when I last saw her, almost a week ago now, even under the harsh fluorescent lighting of the store. Somehow, she still glowed, even with the obvious exhaustion I could see on her face. The dark circles under her eyes, which only made her eyes look greener than ever. She was grinning as she walked over, pushing her cart in front of her and running her fingers through the dark curls of a small child. A little boy by the looks of it, dressed in cotton pants and a long sleeve with dinosaurs all over.

Does she have a kid? I could not focus on the question too long, as she made it to where I was standing. My eyes shifted from the child to look at her.

"Hey," Jill said, still grinning. She kept a few feet between us, and immediately turned to look at the array of frozen desserts as well.

"Hi," I mumbled, my teeth nibbling at my bottom lip.

"How are you?"

"Okay." I swallowed, pulling the sleeves of my hoodie over my hands and curling my fingers around the fabric. "How are you?"

I could barely even hear myself as I mimicked her question. I silently cursed myself, letting my eyes fall down to my hands. I had begun to pick at a thread sticking out of the sleeve without even noticing it. With a quiet huff, I forced myself to drop my hands to my side.

"Ah," she mumbled, pushing a piece of hair behind her ear. "Tired. I've been picking up shifts for Lucas so that he can keep up with his schoolwork, and Ollie's been having troubles sleeping."

I could hear the exhaustion in her tone, but the obvious affection was still there. I watched as she turned to the child sitting in the cart, her hand passing over his hair. The question built up and forced itself out of my mouth. "Ollie?"

The both of them turned to look at me—the kid confused, Jill amused. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at me, her head tilting in that way that had my heart fluttering. My fingers curled tighter around the fabric in my grip, and I shifted.

"My son," she said, gaze moving back to the boy. She smiled at him before looking back over at me. Something about that expression, the soft love there, made her look ethereal. She was shining, a star right in the middle of the frozen dessert's aisle of the grocery store.

I swallowed, throat suddenly dry.

"Would you like to say hi to Kody, buddy?" Jill had leaned down to his level, face to face with her son. Her voice was pitched low, reassuring, and she stroked his dark curls out of his eyes. The kid, Ollie, turned his head to peek at me. His small hand came up in a little wave, his dark eyes wide with curiosity, then he turned back to his mother. I did not miss the darkness below his eyes, though. Insomnia?

Jill simply smiled and shook her head affectionately. "He's a little shy," she said. "And it's way passed his bedtime. We better get home."

I shifted again when she smiled at me, hands moving to clasp each other instead of tearing up my hoodie. "I, um," I swallowed. Cleared my throat, trying to stop the automatic scrunching of my shoulders. "I can watch him sometime if you, uh—if you ever need the help."

"Sure," she said, getting out her phone. "What's your number?"

I stuttered through it, cheeks warming despite the shock running through me. I felt both numb and overwhelmed, just stunned that any of this was happening. Jill, the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, asked me for my number. Maybe it was not for anything other than to watch her son, but still.

She gave another smile when I was done, tucking her phone into the pocket of her cardigan. "I'll give you a call if I need the help. Thanks, Kody."

I nodded, turning back to my cart full of groceries and starting to walk away. I stopped a few steps away and, forcing myself to turn, gave her and her son a wave goodbye. I waited just long enough for Jill to return the gesture, then, I proceeded to the checkout line. 

word count: 964

So, this is the third part! It isn't very long, even though I said all those following part 1 would be. Apologies for that. 

Hope you like this addition to the story. Let me know what you think and how you think I could improve what I have so far. 


- Dawn 😊

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