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"flushed cheeks"

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I was stocking shelves when my phone buzzed in the front pocket of the overalls I was wearing. Once. Twice. Three times, it buzzed, and I quickly put the cans in my hands where they were supposed to go before reaching for my phone. The group chat between Jill, Lucas, and I had several notifications, but there were a few just from Jill, too.


Lucas finally got back to me on meeting Ollie.

Will you be able to be there if it's tonight?

Maybe about 6?


Of course! I am off work soon.

After responding to her, I moved on to check what was in the group chat.




Guess whaaaat?!


Just tell me.

I am not good at guessing things.




Mom agreed!

She wants to meet when you have time

Apparently being cute doesn't get you out of an interview.

I tried 😞


You didn't!

Lucas 😭

You have to let Kody do things herself, too.


I knoooow


Just look at her

Need to protecc



Thank you.

I can come by after my exam tomorrow

After that, I put my phone away and got back to work. The rest of my afternoon went by with me stocking shelves and scanning people's groceries, studying school materials at the register when nobody was in the store. Final exams were next week, and I had a large essay due at the end of that week and a final set for the middle of the week.

"Hey, Kody!"

I looked up from the book I was flipping through, highlighter stilling between my fingers, to see my manager, Laine, making her way to me, a new drawer in her arms. "Hi," I said, shutting the book and sliding it into my bag, which I had slid into the space under the register.

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