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"flushed cheeks"

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Unlike the time before my date with Jillian, I did not have anyone there to help me relax before my date with Lucas. Jill had to help Lainey (Lucas's mom) out at the café. Lucas, of course, was busy setting everything up for our date and getting himself ready.

I paced around my bedroom, shaking out my hands to get them to stop trembling. Back and forth. From one end of the room to the other. I was just passing the door when it was pushed open, causing me to jump, turning to see my mom. She stood in the doorway, one hand still on the door, looking worried.

"Honey, what's wrong?"

I continued my pacing, still shaking my hands out. "Have a date," I said.

"Oh!" she exclaimed. "Honey, that's great! Do you want help getting ready? I can do your hair."

I nodded softly, stopping in my pacing and turning to her. My teeth nibbled at my bottom lip, arms crossing over my chest to stop myself from moving around so much. My nervous movements always made mom anxious or angry, so I learned how to suppress them in front of her by the time I was 10.

"Go shower. It'll calm you down and it'll be easier for me to work with your hair if I'm using the hair dryer."

Walking into my bathroom, I made sure my towel was on the hook beside the shower and turned the shower on. Not too hot, not too cold. I did not want my skin too irritated for my date with Lucas. I would be scratching away and uncomfortable with even the softest of fabrics. The shower was quick, and once I had my towel wrapped around myself, I brushed my teeth, using the time to allow my skin to fully dry before I got dressed.

I had settled on a dress for the date, figuring it would be the most comfortable thing for me to wear. It was warm and sunny, and I would have to bring a cardigan with me to keep from getting sunburnt. I would hate to have my excitement soured by more than just my own anxiety, and I would hate to have to put Lucas through having to deal with me when I am grumpy and uncomfortable. He deserves to have my full attention for at least this night. He more than deserves it after being so kind and patient with me.

Rinsing my mouth, I finally looked up into the mirror over the sink. The glass was still foggy with condensation, but I could still see what was reflected fine. I really did not know what it was that they saw in me. I was pretty average in looks, if a little scrawny. I was certain that "cute" was the closest adjective to describe me. Light brown hair, maybe honey blonde in the summer, blue eyes that looked much too big on my face, boney shoulders, and very visible collarbones. I had next to nothing in the breast department, more than a handful of booty, way more in the thighs (at least compared to the rest of my body). But I did love how physically small I felt around the two. Jill was tall and willowy, but she had some curves that I will have to admit to being envious of, and Lucas was tall and broad. Both towered over my small stature, and I cannot deny loving it. I just could not see what they found so...desirable about me.

I could see the red in my cheeks darkening from the regular after-shower flush. I should not be thinking about this, I thought, putting moisturizer on my face followed by a little mascara on my lashes and a light red lipstick for my lips, going over the matte with a bit of lip balm to make sure my lips did not dry out through the date.

"Hurry up, Kody," my mom yelled from the other side of the bathroom door.

Hanging my towel back on its hook to dry, I slipped into my undergarments and my dress, and I stepped out of the bathroom. My mom was sitting on my desk chair, several utensils spread out on my desk. Hair dryer, some hair clips, and a curling wand. She stood when she saw me step out, ushering me over to sit in the chair.

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