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"flushed cheeks"

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She looked like an angel laying there, shrouded in white sheets, golden hair spread out around her head like a glowing halo. All I could do was stare at her. Take in the way her skin glowed almost white in the morning light. The slight pink to her soft cheeks.

I felt like a mere peasant beside her—this divine being, looking so innocent sleeping beside me. I do not deserve her body so close, yet I am truly humbled to know I have her affections. Her touches. Her kisses.

My fingers reached out to trace over the plush little heart that made up her lips, my own quirking up at the corners as my chest flooded with warmth. Little flutters. The warmth spread up from my chest to settle in my cheeks.

The air conditioning kicked on with a quiet thump and a distant hum, sending a breeze to ruffle the sleep rumpled strands of gold.

Her lips shifted beneath my fingertips, lifting in a smile then pressing forward in a kiss. "Morning, baby."

Her voice was soft, husky with sleep. That perfect tone with underlying hints of adoration, her lovely green eyes sleepy and soft. That pet name with that look... my fingers slipped down to trace over her cheek, feeling the increasing warmth in my face.

A soft laugh vibrated her chest, and my heart fluttered behind my ribs.

"You're so cute," she mumbled, tracing her fingers over my jaw to tangle lightly in my hair.

I groaned, shifting to nuzzle my face into her chest. "You look like an angel," I murmured.

Her arms fell comfortably around my neck and shoulders, her fingers idly playing with the ends of my hair. She hummed in a way that made her amusement more than obvious. "Do I?"

I did not respond, just let my lips graze over the swell of her breast, just to feel the silkiness of her skin. I had never been so thankful that her favorite tops almost always had a square neck.

"Did you have fun last night, baby?"

I nodded, feeling myself go red again. The date last night was fun, and he kissed me when it was over. Right against the apartment door. Kissed me until I could not breath anymore. Until my lips were red and swollen and I could feel him, hard and thick, against my belly.

My fingers moved up to press against my mouth. "He kissed me," I mumbled, looking up at her from under my lashes, face still nuzzled against her chest.

She looked amused; lips quirked up at the corners in that way she does when she might tease me. "He mentioned that he might," she said. Her hand stroked my hair and down my back. "Did you like it?" A kiss was pressed against my head.

I gave a little nod, the warmth in my cheeks flaring once more.

She kissed my temple, then bunched my hair to give a gentle tug. "More than my kisses?"

My eyes widened and I sat up, ignoring the sharp tug to my hair when she was too startled to let go. I shook my head so much I would have become dizzy if she had not made me stop. She shushed me, her fingers massaging the sting away from my scalp then moving down to squeeze lightly at the back of my neck. "Calm down, baby. I was only teasing."

I took a breath and slumped forward, trying to calm the sudden pounding in my chest. My hands bunched in the blankets. Breathed in. One. Two. Three. Breathed out. Relaxed. I reached out for her other hand, playing with her fingers. "The kisses are different," I mumbled. "Yours are more comfortable"—I paused for a moment, wetting my bottom lip—"and he's more sexual." My cheeks flared once more, the thoughts of his kisses once more at the forefront of my head.

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