Chapter 68

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Third Person POV

Cassius woke up before sunrise. He looked at the empty space next to him in the bed and felt a wave of sadness wash over him. He wondered if she was waking up this morning missing him too.

He got up, threw on some clothes, and went for a run to clear his head. Running around the fort was one of his favorite parts of visiting - unlike the castle, the paths took odd twists and turns and had amazing views. But he found himself still only thinking of Safania. Her smile, her eyes. The way she could look at him and make him feel like they were alone in the universe. It seemed cruel that they were finally able to be intimate with each other, only to have to spend even more time apart.

By the time he had finished his run, the sun had fully risen. Alton was already waiting for him when Cassius arrived back at his hut.

"Good morning, your highness," Alton greeted him.

"Good morning," Cassius replied. "What brings you here?"

"The first group of men from Abree are arriving today. Who is going to greet them?"

"Have the Third Battalion meet them and show them to their tents in an orderly fashion. Once they all get settled in, tell them to send someone to get me. I want to personally welcome the new arrivals."

Alton nodded. "Perfect your highness. And a letter came from Edward. He said he had no updates on your father or brothers."

Cassius nodded. He had asked Edward to keep tabs on his family just in case his brothers tried to pull off a scheme in his absence.

"I'll write him back this afternoon," Cassius replied.

"Those are the only updates I have for you," Alton told him.

"How is Emalina?" Cassius asked.

"She's alright," Alton replied. "She misses Safania of course, but it sounds like she's become the center of attention here. The women love to hear castle gossip, which she has plenty of, and they love hearing about Safania especially."

"Has anyone realized that Safania is gone?" Cassius asked.

"No, the small group that came with us are the most trustworthy men we have. They would never go against your command to stay silent. Everyone else believes she is resting in here, ill, like you told them."

Cassius nodded, satisfied. He knew there would be more questions the longer Safania remained out of view, but for now it seemed as though he had managed to cover up her disappearance.

"Your highness, if I may speak freely?" Alton asked him.

Cassius snapped back to reality. "Of course," he replied.

"How are you?"

That was a loaded question. "I'm fine," Cassius said dismissively.

"Glad to hear it, your highness," Alton replied. He turned to leave but was stopped by the sound of Cassius's voice.

"Do you think she'll come back?"

Alton was surprised by the question. Prince Cassius was always confident and composed. If he ever had doubts, he certainly didn't express them to his guards. But now that he was one of the people who knew Safania's secret, he supposed the prince viewed him as more than just a guard.

"Of course she'll come back," Alton told him reassuringly. "She loves you."

"Love isn't always permanent."

"Your highness, she stayed to learn to control her abilities so that she could be with you. If she already knew, she would be here right now. She's staying there for you and your future together."

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