Chapter 75

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This chapter contains violence and references to sexual assault. Reader discretion is advised.

Third Person POV

Emalina sipped a cup of tea inside the home of the medicine shop worker, Aliti. She and Alton sat at the table while Aliti tended to Ari in another room.

"Finished," Aliti said, entering the kitchen. "They did some pretty nasty damage, but he should be up and around tomorrow. It will take much longer for it to heal completely."

"Thank you again for letting us stay here," Alton said. Emalina didn't say anything, but continued to sip her tea.

"It's really the least I can do," Aliti replied. "I was so excited to meet Safania. And for Prince Cassius to set up a meeting with former citizens of Eir...not many royals would do something like that. I knew he had to be different. I can't believe he's gone..."

"What?" Alton asked abruptly. Emalina looked up from her tea.

"I'm so sorry," Aliti said quickly. "I thought you knew...Alterius executed him this afternoon and declared himself king. His coronation is in two weeks."

Emalina looked to Alton in horror. "What about Safania?" she asked Aliti.

"I haven't heard anything...why? Was she in the castle with you too?"

"She went to find him...but he was already dead," Emalina said, beginning to hyperventilate. "Alton, she's not coming. They've got her. We have to go save her. We have to find her. They're going to hurt her."

"We should go get her mother," Alton said. "She can help."

"By the time we do that and get back here, almost three weeks will have passed. Three weeks Alton. We can't leave her alone with them for three weeks."

"What do you propose we do Em?" Alton replied. "Ari isn't going to be any use for weeks. And the two of us can't take on an entire castle. We need help."

"Send a message to the fort for back-up," Emalina responded.

"We don't know if they're still loyal to Cassius. And even if they are, that won't help us figure out where they're holding her and how to get in."

Emalina paused to think for a moment. "I have an idea," she said finally. "Can you help me write a message? I think I know someone who might help us."


Safania's POV

"You said she was awake."

"I said she was waking your majesty. I saw her fingers twitch."

I heard Alterius and some other voice but could barely comprehend what they were saying. It sounded like I was underwater.

"Let's see if we can speed up the process then. Hand me that bucket," I heard Alterius's voice again.

I gasped as freezing cold water hit my face. Coughing and spitting, I wiped my eyes and looked at my surroundings. Everything came back to me quickly. I was in the castle. My hands and feet were chained to the floor. Alterius had taken over. He killed Orphasius. Then I remembered the last thing he said.

Cassius was dead.

An extraordinarily painful wave of grief washed over me. I suddenly found it extremely difficult to breathe.

"You're not upset about Cassius are you?" Alterius asked, dismissing the guard and sitting on a chair in front of me.

I avoided eye contact, trying to keep my breathing even. Why had I trusted Alterius? How much of an idiot was I to not even consider the possibility that Cassius was already dead?

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