Chapter 3

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Amelia pov (continued)
I woke up to a loud noise coming from downstairs, when I
looked around me I was in the middle of jade and crystal.
Crystal was snoring and she literally looked like Princess Anna
on the day of her sister coronation, and to my right was jade,
well her feet. How the hell did that happen?
I got up and made my way to the noise. It was max messing
around in the kitchen.
He was lying on the floor in the walk in snack cabinet with a
bunch of snacks on top on him I couldn’t help but laugh at
the idiot.
“Oh, hey dorktopus” he says looking up at me ask if what I’m
looking at is the most normal and natural thing to see.
I grab a bottle of maple syrup and hit it over on its side so
now it was dripping on his head.
“Oh hey big head. Didn’t see you there” I proceeded to pour
foot loops on his head “or there” I flashed him a big sarcastic
smile before turning around and walking out.
“I really hate you” he yelled out behind me and before I left I
replied with “I love you too”
I headed to the bathroom attached to jades room and took
an amazing shower, I threw on some sweats and an oversized hoodie and done my morning routine. I didn’t bother putting
on makeup or dressing fancy because well two reasons…
Anna Kendrick said when on a plane for hours you going to
get butt sweat might as well be comfortable and reason two
being, I live in sweats and hoodies, yes there’s an occasional
jeans and cute looking crop top but I’m not much of a girly
girl if you see me in a dress know that somebody paid me to
do it or my life is on the line.
I headed out of the bathroom and the two idiots were sitting
on the bed looking at me looking like complete opposites
jade looking like she never had a ‘bad hair day’ in her life and
very moody. And crystal being the definition of positive and
crack head and terrible hair day, I blame all the bleach.
They got ready as I cleaned. Sounds unfair but trust me it
isn’t they would help once they done but I’m so use to being
beaten if anything is out of place, it’s become second nature
to make sure everything is cleaned once done being used and
everything is on its proper place at all times.
Once they were done we headed downstairs, Max was sitting
on the couch watching some sport probably rugby. As we
walked pass he flipped us off and we just stuck our tongue
out to him, that literally how we say hi. Because he can’t be
seen talking to 8th graders and we just to cool for him so
keeping words minimum when in public is just the right thing
to do for both parties involved.
Jade looked at us with a smirk “Sunday feast?” she asked to
which crystal replied “I’m not sure if you are aware, and I
don’t blame you for the lack of knowledge but its Saturday.” I
couldn’t help but laugh this kid is truly crazy. I love the way
she sarcastically states the obvious.
“Well not sure if you heard Susan but two thirds of this party
is not going to be here Sunday so we moving it to today, to
which I am aware is Saturday.”
Before the sarcastic conversation became upsetting I broke it
“Okay, I’m on coffee duty.”
Now Sunday feast includes dunkin donuts and eggs and toast
and avocado and fruit salads and cereal bars and whatever
we were basically craving and you probably thinking all those
things and I am just making coffee. I’d like to think it’s the
best coffee in town. I would open a coffee shop if it wasn’t
for star bucks being on every corner. Also I make mean iced
caramel latte with three shots of espressos.
“Okay, I’ll order the donuts anybody want milkshakes other
than the coffee” jade asked not looking up from her phone so
crystal and I simply just nodded to piss her off; when she
eventually looked up she rolled her eyes.
“Words are a thing dipshits use them”
She continued ordering while crystal started on the toast and
eggs and avocado. Jade came back and helped with the fruit
loops which surprising wasn’t laying over the floor anymore,
the snack closet was actually spotless like nothing had
happened earlier. Max had done a pretty good job, the floors
not sticky the shelf is fixed. I’m proud. I’m not going to tell
him that though.
As if on cue the idiot walks in.
“Y'all making a Sunday feast? Y'all aware it’s Saturday night”
Jade partly annoyed that this is the second time and also her
brother, she replies
“Yes, we aware dipshit, they going to New York later so they
won’t be here tomorrow, now what do you want?”
And I swear I haven’t seen his facial expression change that
quickly. He was no longer smirking rather sad and worried
“You guys are leaving?” oh this boy was definitely sad.
I was curious so I had to ask
“Is that sadness written over your face? Why? You literally
hate all of us” jade and crystal nodded in agreement and we
were now all looking at him for an answer. His facial
expression changed again.
“Pfft, Me? Sad? Because y'all are leaving? No, I don’t think
so” that comment had denial all over it; he took a seat and
ate an apple slice.
“Can I join you guys, as it’s the last time I’ll see you” he
sounded so depressed so we let him stay on the condition
that he paid for our donuts.
He literally cancelled his plans to join us, everything was
becoming real. I was leaving my entire life behind. I didn’t
have much of it but the small little that I had was precious.
After breakfast we headed to the mall to get friendship
bracelets. We never really wanted them because what idiot
couldn’t tell we weren’t friends we were join by the hip, but
today we wanted it so we got ourselves a heart that cut into
three. We bought a few other things, like I got myself a new
black widow hoodie. It was black with the red hourglass on
the front.
We got ourselves Mcds for lunch and headed to crystals
house and before I knew it I was on my way to board a plane.
The 3 of us sat in the middle in the 3 seats. Crystal was in the
middle so that we could talk, but the bitch slept right after
take-off along with her mom.
Now, it was very real. I was on my way to New York. A new
life a new beginning…
--------------------------------------word count 1174
Hey sparklers
So… I learnt that I’m not good at story telling this is filler
before we get to New York. The next chapter would be
important as she makes crucial life choices. The chapter after
that she meets Lizzie. I think.
Also I won't update tomorrow, I’m really sorry about that.
But that only means that I'll post double today
Also question, would you like me to include pictures of
outfits or do you prefer you imagination
Please take care of yourself and don’t worry too much about
life, you got this… I believe in you <3

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