Chapter 9

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Amelia /Leah pov.
I woke up snuggled next to Scarlett with no Lizzie in sight, but as if on cue she walked in the room with a smile on her face.
"GoodMorning angel,you sleep well? you ready to go? I just signed you out. " she spoke first and very cheerful.
"GoodMorning lizzie. I slept well but I'm not ready to go I soooo tired" I whined. She giggled. Lizzie giggle tab count: 1.
"well I was going to make some melted cheese and corn pasta with some brownies and ice cream for dessert at home, but if you want to stay in a hospital bed all day fine by me" she didn't even hide the fact that it was a bribe which made me laugh and Scarlett whine next to me. Her voice sounding raspier than normal.
"butternut, you a terrible influence. Elizabeth I need grumpy tired you back" we laughed at her comment as she got up and tired to adjust her eyes to the light of the room.

We packed and headed to Scarletts house. I've never been here before and saying it was huge was an understament. It was triple the size our  current rented house. Does this woman have a rugby team living with her?
We got inside and I was shook the interior design was gorgeous. It had minimalist but comfy and home written all over it. The walls were white. There was a alot of Grey and gold stuff skattered around and a bunch if plants some fake some real. Scarlett pulled me out of my thoughts.
"ready to see your room butternut? " I'm was confused, I had a room. In Scarletts house. Why. When did this happen and again why.
"I have a room? " I still couldn't believe it.
"yup. Follow me... " she popped out the p in yup and pulled me by my arm before she gave me a run done of things.
"so that's my office. Theater room, lizzie office roses play room kitchen dining room in house gym. Living area obviously. Upstairs we have many rooms. One belongs to Evans I wonder if his here. Your mom has a room too and yours is right opposite hers. You next to rose, the walls are not paper thin but sorry in advance for the noise. " she opened the door to my room and I was inlove. Firstly. This white theme she has going even though she has a 4 year old. Brave move. My bedding was Grey and I HAD AN WALK IN CLOSET AND MY PERSONAL BATHROOM WTH!
The walk in closet was grey and the cupboards and shelves where a lighter Grey. Everything about it was amazing I was in awe.

"okay kiddo I'll leave you to it, you can get that rest you were complaining about " she laughed and left.
I did sleep though. I couldn't. I was excited. So instead I went to go find lizzie.
She was in the kitchen along with Scarlett.
Lizzie was busy in the fridge so she didn't see me and Scarlett had her back faced to me and I believe I wouldn't be a great person if I don't scare her. So I crawled up behind her, jump out and said boo. And damn does this women scare easily. She screamed and that alerted lizzie who hit her head trying to get her head out of the fridge to see what happened. I felt a little bad but I couldn't stop laughing. I did end up going to lizzie and giving her a hug while rubbing her head and apologizing. She just held me, I knew she was enjoying this moment I could tell by her smile.

Scarlett pov.

So Leah just scared the shit out of me, which caused lizzie to hit her head. I was still calming down from it and the I saw made my heart melt. Lizzie was holding Leah. Leah was resting her head on lizzie shoulder as she was rubbing her head. I've never seen lizzie this happy so being the great best friend that I am I snapped a picture of the too.
Leah pulled away and simply smirked at me.
She looked so cheeky.
"I'm considering changing your name from butternut to cheeky or even trouble because you dear child are going to be the death of"
We all laughed.
Lizzie cooked food and Leah helped and I sat at the island table with my laptop answering emails occasionally taking pictures of the two in matching aprons.
We ate lunch, which was lovely even tho I wasn't a fan of cheese it was quite delicious. I might consider eating cheese full on again.
There weren't many snacks at my house as rose wasn't here and most of the time I'm at lizzie place anyways so we decided to go shopping for some snacks.

When we got there the Paps were crazy either they knew we were coming or some other famous person was already here. Lizzie acted quickly she put Leah's hoodie on and pulled her into her side and headed inside quickly.
Once inside we found the one and only Chris Evans. He was buying dog food for dodger.
He didn't notice us so I called out to him
"hey Evans! "
He looked up and saw us and smiled.
He looked at lizzie and peaked under the hoodie.
"who we hiding? "
Butternut peaked her head out and said hi.
"hey kiddo. I'm Chris. Want to hang out with the much cooler friend of this trio? "
Lizzie was not having it.
"over my dead body Christopher, she's staying with me so that I can keep an watchful eye while she's on bed rest"
Chris threw his hands up surrendering.
"next time kiddo, promise. "
We said our goodbyes and he left with no dog food. Which caused him to come back for it and made us laugh.
We headed to the snacks and got everything Leah wanted and a few things for lizzie and I too.
We headed home and decided to have a movie marathon.
Lizzie was looking for through movies..
"so Leah, what would you like to watch" she asked clearly indecisive.
"Uhm... Anything but horror. Oooh can we watch Harry Potter?"
Lizzie and I have each other the look. We were Harry Potter fans so this kid was definitely in the right place.
We watched one Harry Potter film and then decided to have left over pasta and more dessert before heading back to watch the 2nd one. Leah was the first to fall asleep. Understandable she was still tired this morning. Lizzie soon fell asleep too. I got up and fetched blankets in a small cupboard at the back of the theater room and covered us all as I was to lazy to carry them to their rooms. I switched everything off and fell asleep.

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Hey sparklers!
So this is just me trying to show the bond between lizzie and Amelia grow and obviously aunty Scarlett. I had to introduce chris at one point so here he is... I plan on introducing her to the marvel cast soon. And rose! So stay tuned for that.
Also realized that y'all don't know the time line of this. I'm sorry.
So this is after avengers. The first one. So lizzie isn't part of them just yet. Also nothing makes sense here but I guess that's the fun of fiction.
I'm rambling now .ima stop
Take care of yourself.
Sparkle out!

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