Chapter 16

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Amelia /Leah pov.
I woke up to a dressed lizzie shaking me slightly ...
"GoodMorning sweetheart. I wanted to know what you want to do today, we have an option to go with scar to the avengers set and meet the cast or we can have a lazy day" she said giving me the options and honestly I was so tired and just wanted to sleep but I wasn't about to pass the opportunity to meet the freaking marvel cast! Even if Chris Pratt and the rest of the guardian's weren't going to be there.

So after a few moments of thinking with my head under a pillow I peaked my head out and answered.
"morning... We can go with Scar to work"
"cool, then we leave in 20 minutes"
She pat my back and left. I shot up. I had 20 minutes to look great. I had to impress the cast.
I headed to the bath room to do my business.
And then I put on my jeans of yesterday along with my shoes and a baggy crop top my hair was still perfectly straight so I let it hang I put on some makeup you know the basics mascara eyeliner something to make me look less pale and most importantly... lip stuff! I headed down stairs rose was packing her bag. Probably things to entertain her. I greeted Scarlett and then we headed out the house. Again lizzie grabbed my jacket. I really have a bad habit of not carrying a jacket with me but in my defense I'm usually in hoodies so I don't need it!
We got to set and we headed to Scarletts trailer not running into anyone fun. There was a knock on the door though and in walked the one and only Evans!
"hey hey! I heard my partner in crime is in the building!! " he was clearly high on caffeine. Lizzie was the first to respond to it.
"no, please no. It's too early for you two to be chaotic! " we laughed and I hopped off the couch heading to the door where Evans was.

"don't worry his just going to show me around and we'll end up in the caferteria and maybe I'll get coffee " I mumbled the last part but lizzie definitely heard because she gave me a look. I told her I'm kidding before heading out and Chris was definitely trying to get us killed because he yelled out..
"yes I'm showing her around doesn't mean we not going to be chaotic"
Lizzie was about to yell but he threw me over his shoulder and ran in some sort of direction. I had no idea where we were going but I could smell coffee so I assumed the caferteria... He put me down and I was facing the door and had my back towards the room fixing my fit.. Chris literally got everyone's attention to make an 'announcement'.
"ladies and gentlemen! I'm here to introduce you to my partner in crime Leah. Before you mess with her she belongs to lizzie and Scarlett so choose your next actions wisely"
Robert Downey Jr. Was the first to speak and his literally as crazy as his character.
"hey kid! RDJ you can call me Mr awesome or Mr best either will work. " I laughed and replied.
"nice to meet you Mr I got a big ego" he smirked at my answer as the room was filled with 'oofs'
"damn she got you good. I like her" someone behind RDJ spoke it was Jeremy Renner. So cool! I couldn't say much so I smiled and shook his hand.
Chris handed me coffee and as much as I wanted to, I couldn't. Lizzie said I couldn't. And even if she's not around the guilt will forever follow me. Dammit lizzie. I grabbed tea instead and a brand muffin and as I was about to take a bite but someone took it.
"thanks love" it was lizzie. She's damn lucky its her. I would've had an explosion. I smiled and grabbed another. She stood with me and peaked in my cup.
"it's tea, don't worry. I couldn't do it, the guilt is not worth it" she smiled before leading me to a table with Scarlett and rose. Rose was eating some yogurt and scar had a banana.
I sat down and ate my breakfast in silence.
"hey sweetheart, if it's too much just tell me and then we'll head back to the trailer okay."
I nodded.

When we were done we headed to the set. It felt like hours but it was so much fun. I met Tom hiddleson and can I just say he might be playing loki but he had the purest heart and has to be protected at all cost! How'd he get the role of loki. Probably looks because their personalities are completely different. I also met Chris Hemsworth and I had to refrain from asking him to be the father to my child lol.

Everyone took a break and were chilling in the caferteria making jokes. Chris and I were throwing grapes around. And when RDJ stood up to say something Chris and I had the same thought process because he became our main target until we gave it a rest so he can speak.
"lizzie, even though Leah just threw me with grapes and is officially on my wrong side, she should come to the vacation in sokovia. It would be so much fun" lizzie looked my way and I was hiding behind Chris in shame.
"sure, I'll check with her guardian and if they say yes we'll be joining. "
RDJ smiled.
"great. If Leah goes. You go and that leads to Scarlett and rose going meaning more people at my party to celebrate me" I internally rolled my eyes at how much of a joke he was. I think he should take a break from his iron man role

The day Continued as per normal. Apperently we came the wrong day as the actual avengers were on set last week to share their experiences. As much as I loved being here I was exhausted. Yes one can be exhausted from doing nothing all day. Well I didn't do absolutely nothing all day. Chris and I had pranks going I also helped direct. Yup that's right. I was alot more comfortable here than the Annie set for some reason like these people are like a family. They going on vacation together for God's sake. Lol.

We headed home at like 7 and I was ready to head to bed call it a day but lizzie insisted on cooking because I'm a diabetic, I didn't have a proper meal and some more reasons she gave as an excuse to cook for me. I know that she low-key still feels bad for not cooking for me the first time. She made some veggie chilli and damn.. It was good. I took a shower and got into lizzies bed before falling asleep..

Lizzie pov.
Leah was extremely exhausted so she headed to bed and honestly I hoped it was mine because her cuddles were unbelievable. Every body deserves a Leah in their lives. I was truly happy, like I've never really felt this happy before I felt complete and at peace.

I was currently cleaning and waiting for Sam to show up so I can ask her about the vacation. We'll be taking Robert's private jet so we didn't really have to buy tickets and stuff so it was basically a matter of her saying yes. I hoped she would. Why wouldn't she, Leah basically lives with me like she's my child so I think I'll be able to take care of her but what if she said no. What then. Leah looked so excited when Robert asked I didn't want to crush the kids dreams. Just as I finished cleaning Sam walked in and grabbed a water bottle. She wasn't dressed to go clubbing so I questioned it. I also started to tense up as I was about to ask but she spoke before me.
"crystal and I are going to experience the business of new York. We would've taken Leah but she's asleep apparently soo you to enjoy your evening cuddling up as usual " she smiled at the last part okay maybe this wouldn't be so bad but why was I getting more nervous it was now or never..
"hey Sam, can I ask you something " she looked at me and nodded so I continued...
"so I Uhm. I was hoping that I Uhm can take Leah on vacation with me. " and then it hit, all my nervousness and I started rambling
"you know as she's currently on break from school and she's really good at directing and we'll be meeting loads of directors she's get exposure. Also she really wanted to go and I don't want to crush her dreams and I promise I'll take really good care of her. " she laughed at my ramble.
"sure I'll get her ticket and things ready, when are you guys leaving " that simple? I Mena it's Sam I don't know why I expected something else.
"actually it's a private plane so she doesn't need it. Thank you"
I hugged her and then headed upstairs, I took a shower this morning so I just got changed into my pj's and found a sleeping Leah in my bed. I got comfortable next to her and read abit before I let sleep consume me too.
Hey sparklers!

So Leah met the avengers, well the actors who plays them atleast. Also Chris and Leah pranks be a thing. If you have prank ideas tell me in the comments so that I can make it happen.

Also holiday in sokovia, Y'all ready? 👀

Anyways stay safe, stay healthy!
Thank you for reading
Y'all awesome
I appreciate you guys
@ItsLadathanks for your comment ❤️
Sparkle out!

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