Chapter 19

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Amelia /Leah pov.
I woke up at 11am to an amazing smell coming from the kitchen.
It was quite a massive house and cabin decorated. So alot of oak and green. I'm pretty sure half of plants here are fake if not all.
It still looked esthetically pleasing though.
I walked to the kitchen and found the 3 main ladies in the kitchen. Susan, Scarlett and lizzie. There was another lady here tho she was keeping a little boy, he looked like a 6 year old tho. I made my presence known.
"GoodMorning beautiful people" I was quite enthusiastic and energetic. Scarlett was closes to me so she hugged me.
"GoodMorning butternut. You sleep well? "
I nodded before going to basically hang on lizzie as always because why not.
"seriously. Lizzie gets the cuddles. You left me to go to lizzie" they laughed as I nodded. Lizzie kissed my forehead.
"GoodMorning angel, this wonderful lady over here is Elsa and this beautiful young boy is Tristan " Else smiled and waves at me which I returned and Tristan was quite shy. His so cuteee. His smile is adorable.

Rose, Avri and another girl which I soon learned was Sasha, Tristan twin came running around in circles apperently they playing tag. Their group keeps growing. I wonder were keen is. He did say his not a morning person, which is funny because his dad is. My goal was to mess with him as much as I can. Apparently we having brunch in a park downtown. So massive family picnic. Sokovia is quite low key so I doubt there'll be any paparazzi, so having an entire group of famous people in a park should not be a problem.
I was to head upstairs when someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me off the ground, wrapped me in a hug and tickled me.
"TiCkLe MoNsTeR!!! " it was Evans. His going to be the death of me, I swear. He eventually stopped so I could breathe
"GoodMorning, partner in crime. Ready for some mischief apperently we going to a open park" I smirked which made him smirk.
"prank wars is a go" he barely whispered we high fives as lizzie walked past.
"I heard that. And it's a big no no" she warned looking mainly at Evans,knowing that his the bad influence. Little did she know I'm just as bad. Step one.. Wake up keen. Step two force him into our team of mischief. Apperently Tom hiddleson will be join us at the park so that's obviously another team player.

I put on a light blue shorts and a wide stripped yellow and white short sleeve crop and white all stars(converse) I let my hair hang down and put on abit of mascara and you know lip gloss. I put on thin silver hooped earrings and my shades to finish my look and headed to keens room that his sharing with his dad.
"Hey princess. Keen is still in bed " mark informed me as he walked out the room. Perfect. Now I get to mess with the kid. I walked in and jumped on the bed. He threw me with a pillow. Did I misjudge the weight of the pillow? Yes, yes I did. Did I fall on my arse? Yes, yes I did.
"OMG! Are you okay I didn't mean to knock you over. I'm so sorry " he rushed over to my side panicking which made me laugh. His so sweet. He helped me up..
"are you sure you okay? " he asked again, very concerned. I should really congratulate his dad. He raised a gentleman kinda. I mean he did just throw me with a pillow, but he also sweetly apologize and helped me up.
"I'm okay. I promise. But since you up. Get dressed we going out, also you have no choice but to join my team of mischief "
He looked at me for answers but I just smirked and walked out. As I turned around to walk away u bumped into someone.
My turn to apologize.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't looking were I was going" she beat me to it.
"Oh no it's okay, I'm sorry I didn't see you"
"I'm India rose" she stretched her hand out for me to shake and I did.
"Leah. "
"I'm 11 so I'm kinda alone around here, usually. So it's nice to have someone to talk to" she smiled aww she's so cutee
"I'm 12, Im new to the vacation with celebrities so it's nice to actually fit in. Want to join our team of mischief? "

"our- team? Mischief? "she seemed confused

"yup. We have Chris Evans, Keen. I'll be roping Tom hiddleson in because you can't play loki and not be loki ya know and now I'm asking you to join. You don't have to but it will be fun. Innocent pranks" I explained
She nodded..
"sure I'll join I just gotta get changed, I guess I'll see y'all at the park"
We headed to the park and brunch was amazing. We played a bit of soccer and then the kiddos played tag and that's when team mischief started planning Tom hiddleson refused to join when Chris asked, and then I asked and well 2 seconds later we got ourselves another team member. We decided to attack Jeremy because he was half asleep and walking around in a hoodie. We decided to throw things in the hood of his hoodie until he realises. The last person to throw something in before he realises looses.
At first it was just the team of mischief and then Robert join. I'm not surprised. Chris ended up loosing and well Jeremy chased me around the park because everyone blamed me and said it was my idea. I had so much fun. We were laughing and joking around until it happened....
_______________________________________________word count 979

Hey sparklers!
I'm aware that the word count is very little. I'm sorry. I just needed a filler to get to the fun stuff. I'm not posting this weekend so you'll only find out what happened on Monday.

Also im fine, feel better so that's something.

Anyways Chris and family is back in the chat. Leah made a new friend! Also if you got any pranks up your sleeve please let me know in the comments!!

Get fresh air and some sunlight❤️
Sparkle out!

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