Chapter 7

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Amelia/Leah pov.
I was woken by my Grey haired friend with her massive blue eyes way to close to my face for my liking.
"good morning sunshine. We going to the park and I'm checking to see if you'll join us today " she asked hopefully with a big smile on her face.
"GoodMorning dipshit. Actually no you didn't deserve that I'm sorry. But can you please get your face out of mine it's weird even for you. Also I love you but can we tone the energy down a notch, your girl got a headache "

"okay, so I assume you not going. Like every other day"
She pouted but then changed back to the positive side.
"but it's okay. As long as you get fresh air. Go to the yard or something take a shower, here's fresh clothes"

I smiled and said thank you. She helped me clean the room before I headed to the shower and she got ready for the park. Lizzie already left so I wasn't worried about being in her way but I was still determined to make things right. When I got out of the shower Sam gave me pain killers.
"here, Eat something first okay. And get some sunshine, you look pale. We going to head out love you" she kissed my forehead and headed down towards the door and locked behind her.
I went to my room and sat down and my head started to go crazy. The room was spinning and I felt like I could throw up the food I didn't even have. I opened my phone and went to lizzies contact, I questioned if I should call her for help but then the door opened again and I assumed it was her so I made my way to my room door

Lizzie pov.
I woke up this morning determined to make things right with Leah but I had a few things I had to take care of first. Like coffee date with Scarlett because this girl needs all the advice she can get. I also had to go in for some reshoots, they changed the script for that scene. So that's fun. Note the sarcasm.
Anyways I got dressed into some jeans and comfortable shirt and had my hair tied up to show that I meant business.
When I arrived Scarlett looked at me amused.
"Well you look determined GoodMorning sunshine" she told me as our usual waiter Jacob stood infront of us with coffee.
"the usual for the two beautiful ladies and 2 chocolate muffins on the house" he smiles and we thanked him before he walked away.
"GoodMorning. You right I am determined, because I'm a shitty person. And instead of falling into a deeper depression I'm going to rise above it and make right what I've wronged with my kiddo."

Scarlett smiled at me
"Well, I'm proud of you. How you going to fix it, what made you change your mind about the space thing? "
"well I found out she wasn't hurt because I, you know, forced my cooking apon here. I think it's more because I didn't cook. She mentioned it in our argument last ni-"

"You guys had an argument. What the hell! Lead with that next time " Scarlett interrupted clearly shook by the argument part of the story.
I chose to avoid it and continued
"yes argument, well more of her exploding and finally getting her feelings out there. Very sarcastically but I guess that's her way of communicating. Point is she wouldn't have mentioned the butternut stew if it didn't mean something to her. That's my fault. Also I might have offered her the only food on earth that she won't eat. And. I also have reason to believe she didn't eat last night. So here's my plan. I'll make her the butternut stew after work and then take it from there. "

Scarlett giggled at me.
"well momma tell butternut, I say hey and I would really love to meet her one day. And as much as I love spending time with you, if you don't leave now you going to be late."

I looked at the time and shit I was already late. I kissed Scarlett on the cheek and hugged her before I said my goodbyes. I got in my car and rushed to work looking for my script I realized I forgot it at home, I was to busy focusing on Leah. I called up Scarlett.

"hey, you miss me already? " I could feel her smirk.

"no, well yes. I need your help. I forgot my script at home and I was wondering if you could be the most amazing best friend that you are and collect it for me please I'm 2 minutes away from work and already late. Turning back is not an option "

"it's okay. I'm still at the coffee shop I'll head over and be there in 20 minutes. Love you. Byee"

Scarlett pov.

Elizabeth forgot her script at home. So unlike her. This Leah story is really getting to her. I paid for the coffee and headed to my car to collect lizzies script at her house.
When I got onto her street I saw a car pull out of the drive way which I assumed was Sam and Crystal. When I got there I headed to her office first, nothing. kitchen, nothing. I was about to head to her bedroom but needed the bathroom. I went but when I came back I pondered on the idea of speaking to Leah. I decided to do it. So I knocked and slowly entered. I panicked when I saw her laying on the floor. I rushed over her to her. She was clearly out of it. I grabbed her phone and I saw it was in lizzies contact. She was about to call lizzie. I picked Leah up bridal style and carried her to my car. I rushed her to hospital and booked her in and waited until she was helped before I decided to reply to lizzies 100 text and miss calls I'm exaggerating but it's still alot.
I called her..

"scar. Where the hell are you, it's been an hour"

"promise me you won't panic"

"what do you mean'Don't panic'? "
"promise? "
"okay, I promise what the hell is going on. Are you hurt? "
"I'm at the hospital, something happened to Leah "

The call line went dead.
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Hi sparklers!
So that went down hill. I'm sorry. I promise it gets better after this. It does. Really.
Also should I put tw. I don't exactly know what would trigger people so I'm uncertain about that. Also we got a new pov.
And Scarlett finally met Leah. Or should I say butternut. Well not really but still!

Take care of yourself. Don't change who you are for others-someone told me this yesterday so I'm sharing it with you😊❤️

Sparkle out!

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