Chapter 21

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Lizzie pov.
It's been 3 days since the events here in sokovia. I was on edge. I don't let Leah out of my sight at all. Okay that sounds weird. Leah is not allowed to leave the house without me and when she leaves my sight she has to tell me where she's going. Honestly I thought she'd be annoyed by now but instead she smiles and answers, most times she's reassuring me that she's not going anywhere and that shes okay and that I shouldn't worry as much. She thinks I'm paranoid she clearly hasn't seen Scarlett. And to be honest I haven't seen here this paranoid either. She doesn't react, well because I do that but it doesn't take a genius to see her tense up when the kid leaves the room. I feel really bad for her.

Leah was currently sitting at the dinning room table with keen and India. They were playing the game of life on my laptop. That's when I got the call. I stepped outside to take it.

It was from the Russo Brothers. They were offering me a job as Wanda IN FRICKING MARVEL. I JUST GOT A MARVEL CONTRACT. OMG. They sent me pictures of how Wanda looks and damn it looks exactly like me just with red hair. Maybe I should consider dyeing my hair red. I was also told to keep this top secret until we get back tomorrow. Yup you heard right our vacation got cut short because they would like to start immediately. As they don't know when another disaster is going to happen. Enough of that. We on vacation.

Current situation boys are getting meat to have a barberque, us ladies are making salad. And getting the cheese sandwiches ready to be grilled we were going to have a pool party so this should be a fun way to spend out last full day. I headed back inside Leah and India was celebrating and keen just sat there shaking his head. I assume they won the game.

As the day went on the men were busy with the fire and us Women were chilling outside on the benches.
Chris and Leah were giving each other their mischievous look and it bothered me. They were clearly up to no good. Soon after there was a splash in the pool. Chris grabbed Scarlett and jumped in. SHIT. NO. She had our phones is her pocket! I ran over with a towel and helped her out. Chris stayed in the pool that way Scarlett couldn't get him. I checked our phones and it was not working so I put it in rice and hoped for the best.

We ate. Leah only had salad and a grilled cheese sandwich which was okay considering that majority of the food was meat.

The rest was pretty chilled.
Scarlett done Leah's hair when she eventually decided to get out of the pool she's clearly a water baby.

We packed and then Leah headed to bed because she was out out of it. I headed downstairs to watched a movie with the adults
We watched the remake of lion kind because the babies were awake.

I headed to bed because tomorrow we'll have to be up early. I gotta be strong because it could go two ways. Leah is grumpy and hates everyone and needs a caramel latte 3 in the morning or she's tired and cute and extremely clingy.

Time skip to next morning_

Lizzie pov continued.
It was currently 2am and everyone was rushing around outside. Quite annoying if you ask me. Like didn't they pack last night. Be punctual people. Scarlett walked in..
"hey lizzie, Uhm... Not to make you panic but it's 2:35. Your clock is kinda behind" what?!! Shit! Where's my phone? Shit. I totally forgot about yesterdays incident. Scarlett smiled and left. I had to wake Leah up and play my cards right. One wrong move and I need to find 3 cups of coffee. So I decided to go with the caressing face thing I did and the nice words. She smiled at me and hugged me before lazily going to the bathroom. Great. It worked. I made the bed and got her outfit ready for her. She came and got dressed I headed to the bathroom done my business and got dressed. When I came back Leah walked up to me and hugged me. Cool. She's clingy. Keen came in and grabbed our suitcases. His such a gentleman wow. Probably because he has sisters. His parents raised him well.
I grabbed my blanket. Well it's hers now. I love the fact that she named it burrito it's so cute. I wrapped it around her and walked out.
Keen looked at her questioningly and I knew what was going to be said next.
"ima burrito!!"

We headed to the airport

Amelia /Leah pov
We got to the airport and India, keen and I decided to sit together and watch friends. Where the hell do they get the energy,anyways I agreed to this even though I was worried about lizzie,but when I looked over to her she was cuddled up with Scarlett. So cute.

After 2 episodes of friends, I used keens shoulder as a pillow and fell asleep.

I woke up to keen shaking me alittle. Apparently we landed a few minutes ago. Great. I got off the plane a wrapped lizzie in my burrito and hugged her. Her scent was so calming and it felt so safe. I loved it.
Honestly I thought I'd be jet legged but I wasn't. I was up and about and quite happy. Lizzie was tired, I felt like we switched roles. I said bye to keen and India and everybody else before parting ways with lizzie. She decided to get coffee with Scarlett and Chris at the top secret coffee shop so that's where we went. They got their coffees I got a beautiful iced caramel latte and rose got a strawberry milkshake because it was pink.
When we got home the atmosphere was so calming. It felt like home. Even though it wasn't,i really loved new York. I wish I could live here and walk in the parks and attend that fancy science school that would make me look smart and make friends that I can have coffee dates with. The house was empty and honestly I wasn't surprised. It's Friday afternoon of course the Sam and Crystal would be out and about. I decided to go to the library and lizzie said she had some work she had to do. What work? I thought Annie was finished. What work could she be doing. I didn't think much about it. She probably just wanted an excuse to sit in her office so that she could keep a watchful eye over me, I wasn't complaining I only had 5 more days left with her before we go back to Africa. After 3 hours of reading I went to take a shower. Lizzie left me an hour ago because she was exhausted. When I entered my room crystal was there. She said that same wanted to talk to me and walked out. I got dressed and headed to her room quite confused. Did I do something? What could bother Sam so much that she has to talk about it? It has to be something big? What is it? Are we stranded here? I wouldn't mind more time with lizzie. Lizzie would even help to get us back that's not a problem. I was not panicking. Okay I'm lying I was completely panicking. Come on guys. It's Sam nothing bothers her at all. She's laid back and chilled.
I walked in and smiled.
"hey honey. Come on in and sit down " I did. She was unreadable and it bothered me. What exactly was this all about.
"hey Sam. Wassup. What's so serious and formal? " she couldn't look me in the eye. WHAT'S HAPPENING. OR WHAT HAPPENED.
"I have no idea how to tell you this, I'm so sorry honey-" she paused...took a deep breath and continued

"your mom passed away."
_______________________________________________word count 1366

Hey sparklers.
@HAJMLER thanks for the comments❤️
So guys. Lizzie has a top secret marvel job..!!!
Keen, India and Leah seems to be best friends.

And then we get the ending. I'm sorry. Actually no I'm not. We have some more chaotic things coming. Fair warning.

How are you guys doing? Tell me in the comments!
Also check in with a family member!
Sparkler out!

my Missing PieceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora