Stupid Fly

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Chapter three: "Stupid Fly"

It was during class that I have to focus on the lectures since I can't depend on Cloud tutoring me, when the lecture ended I started packing my bags along with Cheryl who sat beside me since we only have this class together as classmates.

Paul waited for us by the door of the classroom, behind the was Cloud who poked his head out and waved hello to me "Hey Angel"

I crossed my arms at him "Cloud what are you doing here? I thought you have Calculus class right now?"

"The professor went into labor and was on a maternity leave, there were no substitutes so the class was canceled"

As we all know, Cloud is typically that guy who always manages to catch everyone's attention without trying. That includes his fangirls inside the classroom

"Does my makeup look good today? I hope he notices me"

I can hear Bianca ask one of her friends while giving me a dirty side glance
She is worst than Danny, I know that Danny has a clique that she can depend on but Bianca can fight without anybody's help which made her all the more annoying and bitchy

When Cloud always visit me, she would try to get his attention by asking him stupid unrelated questions
That includes her Dad and Cloud's Dad used to be classmates in a prestigious college

I was surprised when I found out from Cheryl since she heard the gossip from her group of friends in one period

She is like that stupid fly that would never die
It's so annoying

Bianca started to give Cloud flirty looks before giving him a wink when she steps out of the classroom through the other door. I bit the inside of my cheek and Cloud must have seen my facial expression, he puts an arm around me and took my bag so he could carry it "Is she still annoying you?" Cloud tilted his head to the direction Bianca went

I glared at her back "She gets on my nerves" I grumbled
Luckily I can manage to control my urge to slap her unlike Caramia who acts on her own accord

Cloud stopped walking which made me stop alongside him "What's wrong?"

He looked at our surroundings before we went somewhere private, we found an isolated place behind the library building. Cloud held my hand tightly like he was nervous "Angel"

"Hm?" I reacted with both of my brows raised

I feel like he was hiding something from me, he would never be this nervous unless it is really a serious situation beyond his control

I can feel his palms are sweaty and he was trying to find the right words to say something to me, my hand went to cup one side of his face "Are you okay?"

He sighs and nuzzles himself on my hand before he looks at me with his forest green piercing eyes "Do you remember about Romeo and Juliet's wedding next month?" He asked and I nodded

"Well...when you mentioned Bianca, I just remembered you will have to face my family since you will be invited as my girlfriend" his voice was filled with worry
I guess he is worried his family might not like me

"I'm a bit nervous when it comes to my mind, I'm sure they did a background check on me when they heard the news that you were dating me"
Do not underestimate the Marshall family since they have unlimited amounts of money when they want to know something

"But nevertheless, it's my cousin's wedding and I know how much it means to her when I'm there. Also, I would have to face your family either way" I gave out a small lighthearted laugh to lighten the mood between us

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