Cry Baby

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Chapter thirty-one: "Cry Baby"

"I can't wait to see you guys again at the wedding," I told them as I eyed Cloud from the corner of my eye that he is pretending to ignore me
He's having a tantrum again, I don't get why I fell in love with this guy

Nikki squealed excitedly "The wedding is a great topic for my vlog, I'm not sure about Nick though" she whispered the last part to me and we get to hear Nick yell "I HEARD THAT!"

I tilted my head from slight confusion "Why?"

She glanced at her brother and rolled her eyes "Because he usually only came for the food and nothing else" she answered and it was obvious she was making face at Nick

Cloud grumbled making sure he was still noticed by me even though he has his broad muscular back facing me
This is what I meant that Cloud keeps wanting my attention

So while talking to Nikki I traced my fingertips on his back and made some drawings on it and he noticed that I was drawing something on his back that he can't seem to figure out, I chatted with Nikki some more, and Cloud got tired of waiting for me to react to his tantrum so he just went back to normal and rested his head on my thigh and slept

I raked my fingers through his hair as he slept soundly
I could never get over how soft his hair is

Then I used my knuckles and gently graze them over his stubble feeling the hair prick my skin, he was loving the feeling that I was caressing him while he slept because I heard a small hum come out of him before sleeping soundly again

"Have you heard about the situation with Alice and Will?" she asked me
So I guess she heard about it too, word spreads fast in this group

I nodded "I feel bad leaving her but I need to be here with Cloud too since there was a thunderstorm today"

"Wait but I thought today was your anniversary date?" she asked me with surprise and worry in her eyes

"Yes it was today and this dork kept apologizing to me while we ate the dinner he cooked"

"I'm so sorry to hear about your date being canceled, so how is Cloud? Was he still shaking like last time?"

I shake my head proudly "He is shaking but not so much as before, he still hates going to therapy though" I giggled
The last time I went to Cloud in one of his therapy checkups, he has taken a disliking about his substitute therapist since the original had a car accident

He hated the therapy session, even more, when the doctor kept asking him about the touchy subject of the accident when he wasn't that fully ready to open up yet

Hearing him trying to describe the feeling he had during and after the accident was something that I could never forget

"I felt like I was being choked  from how fast my heart was beating and my chest tightens that I couldn't breathe, my sister was still breathing a little but those people either ignored us or didn't actually see us due to the strong rain,"  he said

"There were times where I keep forgetting what my sister's face looked like because she was so unrecognizable right after the crash"

Of course, I held his hand throughout when he said that feeling frustrated at himself for forgetting as simple as his sister's face

"So, if you want, can you tell me what image replaced her face in your head that you kept forgetting her original face?" the therapist gently asked him, it was his right if he want to say or not

Cloud's pupils wandered out the window "Her head" he used his hand to touch his right head "It was this side"

I nodded to him "It's your choice if you want to tell, nobody here is forcing you" I reassured him then gave his hand a squeeze

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