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Chapter forty-six: "Stress"

Chris looked at me with pity in his eyes "Are you sure you want to go? I get the feeling that you can't take it" he asked while handing me my other bag at the airport

Today was the day that I would have my flight back to Toronto for the wedding
It's also the day that I will meet Cloud again after a week of being separated

My mood was at an all-time low and there was not much excitement for me when I kept remembering that I have to face Cloud again after what happened
Maybe I could go tomorrow

Just the thought of meeting up with him after the stunt he pulled right in front of the paparazzi with another girl, makes me wanna just go far away and forget about it. Cheryl hugged me tightly "I'm sorry that I made you go through all that but trust me, it'll be important soon"
I was never the type to know much about love or any relationship for that matter, but what I do know is that Cheryl has experienced different types of love in her life so she knows this situation

My eyes were glued to the ground and with a sullen face, I asked her "Am I gonna be alright?"

Paul patted me on my head "You will be, I think Cloud is not that type to go running around with some girl when he went through all the trouble finding you last year" he chuckled which made me smile a little with hope in me

We heard my flight announcement on the speaker so I waved goodbye to the three before heading off to hop on the plane


Once the airplane landed at the airport I started to walk out of the plane and I saw three men who looked like they were bodyguards from a distance, I was just about to ignore them and mind my own business when suddenly one of them called my name

"Penelope Price?" one of them asked then I turned my head to greet their faces that are covered with sunglasses

I nodded slowly as I squinted my eyes at them suspiciously "Yes that's me, what do you want?"

They all nodded to each other "Mr. Cloud asked us to bring you to the Marshall residence"

My eyes widened as I gripped the luggage tightly
What is he planning now? He didn't bother meeting me at the airport in person and now he orders some guards to take me to the palace?! Has he lost his mind?!

"Sorry but I should head home first to meet my family," I said to them

The guard at the very left called someone in his earpiece then he nodded while mumbling words, right after talking he looks at me and said "We can take you there so you could leave your luggage and meet your family but you still have to go with us to the palace"

I clenched my teeth with anger "I said I'm not going"

I started walking away but all of them blocked my path which irritated me more than I expected
Goddamn I just want to go home and be with my family but these three are in my way

I was in a bad mood and it only got worst

"Get. Away. From. Me"

They didn't budge and yet they started to grab my luggage forcefully which was my breaking point to punch the guy square in the face, the other tried to stop me but I kicked him where the sun don't shine. The last guard was standing there looking at me

"What? Do you want one too?!" I practically yelled at him and he shakes his head before moving out of my way obediently

It was a good thing I got away from them immediately because I found a taxi to drive me home, the bodyguards were quick to recover so when the taxi drove off they didn't know where I was

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