That's All The Time I Need

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Chapter forty-one: "That's All The Time I Need"

Danny who used to have waist-length hair was now short, I ignored her and continued to head out of the airport exit

"Wait!" she said loudly while catching up to me from behind like she was desperate to talk

I turned around and glared at her face "What?"
If she says anything bitchy right now I don't fucking care if I'm in the airport because I'm gonna bust her face broken

"I wanted to talk to you," she said to me

There was that feeling like she really wanted to talk to me and this time it was not like she purposely faked her genuine voice
It has been a long time since I heard her genuine voice with no hidden intention behind her actions

With a straight face, I said in a low voice "You better make this quick because I don't want a pest like you taking my time" I pretend by looking at the time on my phone

She sighed in relief "That's all the time I need"


We found a nearby coffee shop and I sat across from her at a circular table with my arms and legs crossed as I gave her a disinterested look. Danny looked around the shop as she tries to pretend that there wasn't a tense air between the both of us

Both of her hands patted a little on her lap "So uh...I heard you went missing last year"
This bitch

I stood up immediately as I was prepared to leave but she managed to stop me and asked me nicely to just listen to her explanation
I don't wanna hear an explanation from a woman who made my life miserable

No words could explain how much I wanted to kill Danny when I saw her at the airport

Surprisingly there was a different air about her, before she was faking confidence but now all I see was a timid girl who looks nervous talking to me
What the hell happened to her?

"I-I'm sorry"

Am I hearing this correctly? Is there a hidden camera recording this shit? What the fuck?

I cleaned my left ear with my pinky finger "Bitch what?"
There's no way the real Danny would say sorry to me, she must have a twin

She inhaled deeply then looked then on her lap with shameful eyes and said "I'm sorry"

"I heard about what happened and everybody was in a panic finding you, I know I played a role in your disappearance because I got you in trouble with your parents" she added

I slammed my hands on the table which made her jump on her seat from being startled by the loud noise, I didn't care if other people were looking at me with side-eyes

"So what? Do you think everything would be all happy and dandy once I forgave you in your half-assed apology?!" I loudly told her with my eyes filled with rage

"The moment you started to change is when I knew my best friend was long gone, the very person who humiliated me the entire duration of Elementary and High school" I feel like I wanted to cry but held myself good trying not to appear weak in front of her
I had a close bond with Danny like a sister and yet she made everyone alienate me

The reason why wanted to cry is how I suffered a lot of bullying and humiliation because of her, I HATED MY LIFE BEFORE BECAUSE OF HER!

Danny looked at me straight in the eyes full of regret "I know you are not gonna forgive me not right now or in the future but I want to at least explain myself to you"

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