Thank Goodness I Slapped Him

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Chapter eleven: "Thank Goodness I Slapped Him"

All of us now started to head straight to the wedding reception, half of the food is Indian food which was very delicious by the way.
I should ask Ramira all about their food, this is too heavenly!

"Penelope you eat like you've been starved for days" Natalie commented which made Cloud snort beside me

"She always eats like it's her last supper," he said to my sisters

Adeline chuckled "Well, she is always the one eating food in the pantry that is why there is a lock design on every handle"

Mom and Dad pretended they didn't see me give them the look like they were entertained that my sisters were embarrassing me in front of my boyfriend "I can feel the love from the way you guys explain that I'm a glutton" I ate the rice that was on my spoon while not breaking eye contact with Adeline

Romeo coughed a little "As you can see that Cloud here" Romeo puts an arm around him "Is not falling behind in terms of eating a lot like Penelope"
Oh really?

His topic caught my interest that I leaned forward with one of my elbows on the table while I have my head in front of Cloud since Romeo was on his other side "I'm interested"

Romeo shot Cloud a mocking look before he leans forward, when he tries to speak Cloud managed to cover his mouth with his hand "How about you finish your food first" Cloud said to him

"Are you scared?" He spoke through Cloud's hand even though it was muffled a bit, we could still hear him properly
Cloud's face looked anxious when Romeo tried to tell me about his eating habits


His face was red and he tries to play it cool about what his cousin is trying to do but I could feel his pulse increase in every word that Romeo says to him.

My hand was holding his right under the table and since our wrists were close together I could feel his pulse.

Cloud cleared his throat a little before he grabbed two cups of ice cream from a tray by a waiter that hands out the desserts and handed me one "Let's not talk about that"

"But-" "Nope" he cut me off before changing my attention to the newlyweds that were at the center

"Now, the first dance as husband and wife" Aunt Laborè announced on the mic happily and everybody clapped

Dylan entered along with Ramira who wore a different dress for the wedding reception, his eyes never left Ramira's bright face.
Thank goodness I slapped him

All this would have never happened if he tried to runaway
He'll regret that decision for the rest of his life

All of this has got me wondering
Will Cloud's family accept me?

Sure, his Mom and brother does but what about his grandmother, Dad, and the rest of his family?

If Cloud's Grandmother doesn't want to attend Romeo's wedding then it got me worrying she might not like me because she is the head of the family
That's what Cloud told me before, his Grandmother became the next head of the family right after his Granpa passed away a long time ago when Liam was still a baby


I was sitting alone outside of the wedding reception looking at a far distance of the beach while I drank some grape wine

"You ok?" Juliet asked me as she stepped out to the terrace and sat on the soft couch with me

I played with the wine glass in my hand "It's just...I'm worried"

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