Kim Possible

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Chapter sixty-eight: "Kim Possible"

"Alright so uh...are we just gonna ignore the giant elephant in the area more specifically near to us?" Cheryl asked me as she pointed at Danny who was looking at different styled T-shirts

We went to the mall to find costumes for the costume party that we were invited to by one of Cloud's close buddy which was Ken, during our shopping, we bumped into Danny who was shopping for clothes for her job at the donut store her grandma owns

I looked at some costumes

"How about this one?" Cheryl asked me while holding a witch costume set

"I don't feel like I wanna be a witch"

Cheryl groaned and tossed he read back "We've been in the costume area for more than an hour! Just pick something girl"

Danny could only give her a look of pity and a sheepish grin, it also looks like she was done with her shopping since she came back from the cashier "How about Kim Possible?" she suggested

Cheryl's eyes widened and snapped her fingers "That's a great idea!"b

Cheryl then hurriedly grabbed Danny's arms and pulled her somewhere

Danny tried to remove Cheryl's strong grip on her arm "Why am I going with you? I wanna go home" she complained before they both disappeared right around the corner

I waited for them to return and it was quicker than I thought, both of them were holding only a few paper bags

"You have black combat boots right?" Danny asked me and I nodded, she sighed and I think it was from relief

"Good thing we asked first, there were a good pair of boots that we saw on the way here and it would look good on you for the costume"


Both of the girls hurriedly dragged me back to the dorm and helped me put on the costume, I removed my shirt and tried to put on the black long-sleeved turtle neck tank top

"I told you she has abs" Cheryl spoke to Danny who was in the middle of preparing my temporary red hair color

Danny removed her eyes from what she was doing and looked at me "Holy Fuck! I didn't know you exercise?!" her eyes were in disbelief when looking at me

"Cloud forced me to exercise with him"

"Well that makes sense, he is a model so he has to watch out for his body. Didn't think he would pull you in to exercise with him" she laughs a little "I can't imagine your face when exercising"

I rolled my eyes "I swear I looked like a thirsty dog when I exercise with him"

Cheryl handed me a green that is slightly baggy pants that were meant to be placed on the hips

It took me a while to realize that I have to show my abs since I was in a tank top and the jeans only started at my hips, I looked down at my tummy
Are these really abs?

I then poked my stomach in disbelief
Yes, I am still not processing this properly

"Alright sit down," Danny asked me to sit on a chair before she started putting temporary color on my hair to make it look red

While they were both busy with my hair, I took the opportunity and put on some makeup. Since Kim possible was a cartoon it is a bit hard to know what she would look like in real life so I searched on the internet for girls that cosplayed as her

"DONE!!" both Cheryl and Danny simultaneously said with excitement

I stood up and walked closer to the mirror
I looked like a different person

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