"New crew"

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3rd POV

The 5 of them continue to sail on the sea along with Y/n, It's been weeks and no one in the ship heard Y/n's voice.

Everyone is asking why but Nami keeps saying the same thing

"Y/n said It's hard to explain," Nami said while Y/n tried to calm Nami down.

Y/n don't show fear anymore, she began to help everyone with the ship.

She kills time with Usopp that's been helping him craft things for the ship or the future battles.

"You're pretty good at this huh?" Usopp said handing Y/n a few tools to fix something.

Y/n smiled and continue to help Usopp. The sun is shining bright and Y/n is feeling hot. She wears denim shorts a T-shirt with a (favorite) symbol and a jacket.

Y/n saw Nami wearing a bra and denim shorts making her tattoo visible, Y/n just seeing Nami wear like that makes her want to do the same, but she is worried because all of Luffy's crew is male.

"Aaahhh Nami chan~ you look so cute," Sanji said with hearty eyes. Nami didn't pay attention to Sanji and felt the breeze.

Y/n finished helping Usopp and went to Nami. She gets her paper then writes something.

Is it alright to wear something like that?

Y/n showed it to Nami, she just smiled and nodded.

"Don't worry, if you want you can take it off too so you can feel the sea breeze. Just tell me if Sanji makes you uncomfortable" Nami said then smile.

Y/n smiled and went to the tangerine trees. She began to remove her jacket then her shirt leaving her bra on.

Y/n didn't notice that Luffy, Zoro, Sanji are staring at her. Usopp didn't stare because he was busy with his work.

Everyone watches at Y/n enjoying the sea breeze when Nami notices a Tattoo on her upper breast a moon mixed with music Note and a star...

Everyone watches at Y/n enjoying the sea breeze when Nami notices a Tattoo on her upper breast a moon mixed with music Note and a star

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"You got a nice tattoo" Nami joined her on the tangerines

Y/n smiled at her saying thank you

"What's your tattoo story?" Nami asks

Y/n write the answer on the paper...

My mom always sing to me when the moon is awake with the stars

Y/n showed it to Nami and smiled. Nami smiled and look down only to see Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji look away immediately they felt Nami's intense warning aura, they all began to sweatdrop.

They all pretend that they didn't stare at Y/n.
Luffy is in front of the ship sitting on the goat's head, then Zoro is sitting on the floor and pretending to nap, and Sanji looking at the sea.
Nami wants to know why Y/n couldn't speak but she is letting Y/n take her time and tell her.

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